Scientific papers
O’Malley K, O’Brien E. Management of Hypertension in the Elderly. New Eng J Med 1980;302:1397-1401.
O’Brien E. The placenta – a neglected experimental animal. J Ir Med Assoc 1980;73:5.
O’Brien E. Hypertension in the elderly. J Ir Med Assoc 1980;73:147.
Scientific papers
Laher M, O’Malley K, O’Brien E, O’Hanrahan M, O’Boyle C. Educational Value of Printed Information for Patients with Hypertension. Br Med J 1981;282:1360-1361.
Books and booklets
O’Brien E, O’Malley K. ABC of Hypertension. British Medical Association Publications. London.1981.
Scientific papers
Fitzgerald D, O’Callaghan W, O’Malley K, O’Brien E. Inaccuracy of the London School of Hygiene Sphygmomanometer. Br Med J 1982;284:18-19.
Laher M, O’Brien E. In search of Korotkoff. Br Med J 1982;285:1796-1798.
O’Brien E. Environmental Dangers for the Patient with a Pacemaker. Br Med J 1981;285:1677-1678.
Fitzgerald D, O’Callaghan W, O’Malley K, O’Brien E. Remler M 2000 Semi-Automatic Blood Pressure Recorder. Proceedings of 4th International Symposium on Ambulatory Monitoring. The Academic Press. 1982. pp. 484-488.
Books and booklets
O’Brien E, O’Malley K. High Blood Pressure: What it means for you and how to control it. Martin Dunitz. London. 1982.
Scientific papers
McGarry K, Laher MS, Fitzgerald DG, Horgan J, O’Brien E, O’Malley K. Baroreflex Function in Elderly Hypertensives. Hypertension 1983;5:763-766.
O’Brien ET, O’Boyle CP, Fitzgerald D, Kelly JG, O’Malley K. Efficaté de l’indapamide dans l’hypertension artérielle mal contrôlée par les béta-bloquers. Le Journal International de Médicine 1983;8:23-27.
Book chapters
Fitzgerald D, O’Malley K, O’Brien E. Ambulatory Blood Pressure in Normotensives and Hypertensive Subjects. In: Blood Pressure Variability. Eds. D. Magometschnigg ans G. Hitzenberger. Uhlen Austria. 1983. Pp.75-84.
O’Callaghan WG, Laher MS, McGarry K, O’Brien E, O’Malley K. Antihypertensive and Renal Haemodynamic Effects of Atenolol and Nadolol in Elderly Hypertensive Patients. Br J Clin Pharmacol 1983;16:417.
O’Malley K, McGarry K, O’Callaghan WG, Kelly JG, O’Brien E. Clinical Pharmacology of Labetolol in Elderly Hypertensives. In: Balanced Alpha/Beta Blockade of Adrenoceptors. A Rational Therapeutic Concept in the Treatment of Hypertension and Coronary Heart Disease. Eds. N. Rietbrock and B. G. Woodcock. Friedr Vieiveg and Sohn. Braunschweig/Wisbaden 1984. pp.131-141.
Fitzgerald DJ, O’Malley K, O’Brien E. Reproducibility of Ambulatory Blood Pressure Recordings. In: Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring. Eds. M.A. Weber and J.I.M. Drayer. Springer-Verlag. New York. 1984. pp.71-74.
O’Malley K, O’Brien E. Drug Treatment of Hypertension in the Elderly. In: Hypertension and Coronary Heart Disease. Eds. A.J.M. Donkers and M.D. van Damne. Netherlands. 1984. pp.161-170.
Books and booklets
O’Brien E, O’Malley K. Blutdruck-richtig messen. Verlag Jungjohann, Neckarsulm. Germany. 1984.
Fitzgerald DJ, O’Malley K, O’Brien E. Disparity between Clinic (CBP) and Ambulatory Blood Pressure (ABP) in response to Antihypertensive Therapy. Clin Pharmacol Ther 1984;35:240.
O’Malley K, O’Brien E. European Working Party on High Blood Pressure in the Elderly (EWPHE). Iriitial: Objectives, protocol and organisation. Current Diagnosis and Management of Hypertensive Disease 1985;
O’Malley K, O’Brien E, et al. (EWPHE) Antihypertensive Therapy in Elderly Patients. Tenth Interim Report of the Working Party on High Blood Pressure in the Elderly. Current Diagnosis and Management of Hypertensive Disease 1985;
Cox J, O’Malley K. Sleep apnoea and hypertension. Lancet 1985:i:222.
Book chapters
O’Brien E. The Management of Hypertension in the Elderly. In; Therapeutics in the Elderly. Scientific Foundations and Clinical Practice. Proceedings of the Symposium on `Pharmacology and Therapeutics in the Elderly’. Eds: K. O’Malley and J.L. Waddington. Excerpta Medica. Amsterdam. 1985. pp.213-221.
O’Malley K, O’Brien E, Fitzgerald D, Kelly JG. Adrenoceptors and Hypertension. In: Pharmacology of Adrenoceptors. Eds: E. Szabadi, C.M. Bradshaw, S.R. Nahorski. Macmillan. London. 1985. pp.197-204.
Cox JC, O’Boyle C, Coakley D, O’Brien E, O`’Malley K. Mental Function and the Treatment of Hypertension in the Elderly. J Hypertens 1985;3:670-671.
McAllister C, O,Brien E, O’Malley K, Fielding J. Dysautonomia and the irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) – a preliminary report. J Ir Coll Physicians & Surg 1985;14:109.
O’Malley K, Fitzgerald DJ, O’Brien E. Disparity between clinic blood pressure and ambulatory blood pressure in response to antihypertensive therapy. J Ir Coll Physicians & Surg 1985;14:110
Burke M, O’Malley K, O’Brien E. A system for the ambulatory measurement of blood pressure. J Ir Coll Physicians & Surg 1985;14:115.
McCormack P, O’Brien E, O’Malley K. Drug treatment of hypertension in elderly patients. J Ir Coll Physicians & Surg 1985;14:112.
Fitzgerald D, O’Malley K, O’Brien E. Home-recording of blood pressure in the management of hypertension: comparison with ambulatory blood pressure measurement. J Ir Coll Physicians & Surg 1985;14:115.
O’Callaghan WG, Fitzgerald D, O’Malley K, O’Brien E. Accuracy of indirect blood pressure measurement in the elderly. J Ir Coll Physicians & Surg 1985;14:116.
Harrington K, Maguire S, Wansa, O’Malley K, O’Brien E. The Roll-over test; a non-specific procedure. J Ir Coll Physicians & Surg 1985;14:150.
Fitzgerald D, O’Donnell D, O’Malley K, O’Brien E. Assessment of a non-invasive automatic ambulatory blood pressure recorder: the Del Mar Avionics Pressurometer III. J Ir Coll Physicians & Surg 1985;14:150-151.
Harrington K, O’Donnell D, Butler E, O’Malley K, O’Brien E. B-adrenoceptors in myocardial infarction. J Ir Coll Physicians & Surg 1985;14:151.
Carmody E, Wansa S, Brennan M, O’Malley K, O’Brien E. Accuracy of blood pressure measurement by palpation . J Ir Coll Physicians & Surg 1985;14:151.
Fitzgerald D, Marron J, O’Malley K, O’Brien E. The difference in blood pressure between arms. J Ir Coll Physicians & Surg 1985;14:160.
General and educational
O’Brien E. Should borderline hypertension be treated? Medicographia 1985;7:24-26.
Scientific papers
Petrie JC, O’Brien E, Littler WA, deSwiet M. Recommendations on Blood Pressure Measurement. Br Med J 1986;293:611-615.
Book chapters
Brennan M, Keenan M, Atkins N, Mee F, O’Brien E. A computer programme to store and analyse ambulatory blood pressure data for the Remler M 2000 recorder. In: ISAM 1985, Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium of Ambulatory Monitoring. Eds; C. Dal Palu and A.C. Pessina. Cleup Editore. Italy. 1986. pp.105-112.
O’Malley K, O’Brien E, Brennan M. The contribution of non-invasive ambulatory blood pressure measurement to antihypertensive drug evaluation. In: ISAM 1985, Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium of Ambulatory Monitoring Eds; C. Dal Palu and A.C. Pessina. Cleup Editore. Italy. 1986. pp.255-263.
Cox J, Coakley D, O,Brien E, O’Malley K. Pinacidil in the treatment of hypertension in the elderly..Ir J Med Sci 1986;155:28.
Cox JC, O’Boyle C, O’Connor P, Malone K, Coakley D, O’Brien E, O`’Malley K. Central effects of antihypertensive drugs in the elderly. J Ir Coll Physicians & Surg 1986;15:82-83.
Atkins N, Davison EH, Mee F,, McQuaid R, O’Brien E. Computer modifications of the Remler system for ambulatory blood pressure measurement. J Ir Coll Physicians & Surg 1986;15:90.
Fitzgerald P, Brennan M, Regan R, O’Brien E. Impairment of exercise ability after alcohol intake in normal subjects. J Ir Coll Physicians & Surg 1986;15:90.
McCormack PME, Marron J, O’Brien E, O’Malley K. An evaluation of Ketansanserin, a 5-HT Anatagonist, in Elderly Hypertensives. J Ir Coll Physicians & Surg 1986;15:91.
Brady V, Byrne A, O’Malley K, O’Brien E. Accuracy of ward blood pressure measurement by nurses. J Ir Coll Physicians & Surg 1986;15:95.
Ryan J, O’Brien E, O`’Malley K. A study of Nicardipine in the Treatment of Hypertension. J Ir Coll Physicians & Surg 1986;15:96.
General and educational
O’Brien E. A brief history of blood pressure measurement. Treating 1986; No. 13.
O’Brien E. Techniques and recent advances in blood pressure measurement. Treating 1986; No. 14.
Scientific papers
Harrington K, Fitzgerald P, O’Donnell D, Hill KW, O’Brien E, O’Malley K. Short and Long Term Treatment of Essential Hypertension with Felodipine as monotherapy. Drugs 1987;34(Suppl 3)178-185.
Cox JP, O’Brien E, O’Malley K. Treatment of Elderly Hypertensives: Results and Conclusions of Recent Trials. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol 1987;10(Suppl 2):S65-S70.
Books and booklets
Petrie JC, O’Brien E, Littler WA, deSwiet M. Blood Pressure Measurement. British Medical Association. London. 1987.
O’Brien E, O’Malley K. High Blood Pressure: What it means for you, and how to control it. 2nd Edition. Optima. Macdonald & Co. London. 1987.
Cox J P, O’Boyle C, Malone P, O’Connor D, Coakley D, Walsh JB, O’Brien E, O’Malley K. CNS effects of antihypertensive drugs in the elderly. Ir J Med Sci 1987;156:276.
McCormack PME, Marron J, O’Brien E, O’Malley K. Ketanserin, a 5-HT antagonist, in the treatment of of elderly hypertensives. Ir J Med Sci 1986;156:276.
Cox J P, O’Boyle C,Coakley D, O’Brien E, O’Malley K. Mental function and the treatment of hypertension in the elderly. Ir J Med Sci 1987;156:5.
Scientific papers
O’Brien E, Fitzgerald D, O’Malley K. Comparison of clinic, home and ambulatory blood pressure measurement. J Ambul Monitoring 1988;1:285-291.
O’Brien E, O’Malley K. Overdiagnosing hypertension. Br Med J 1988;297:1211-1212.
O’Brien E, Sheridan J, O’Malley K. Dippers and Non-dippers. Lancet 1988;ii:397.
Duggan J, Kilfeather S, O’Brien E, O’Malley K. The interrelationship between age, blood pressure and platelet intracellular free calcium concentration. J Hypertens 1988;6:942.
O’Brien E, Brennan M, Kenny R A, O’Malley K. Blood pressure measurements in borderline hypertension. J Ir Coll Physicians & Surg 1988;17:20-21.
Cox J P, O’Boyle C, Malone K, O’Connor P, Coakley D, Walsh J B, O’Brien E, O’Malley K. Mental function and the treatment of hypertension inthe elderly: a comparison of the effects of methyldopa and thiazide. J Ir Coll Physicians & Surg 1988;17:30
Cox J P, O’Boyle C, Atkins N, Mee F, Coakley D, O’Brien E, O’Malley K. Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics of verapamil in the elderly . J Ir Coll Physicians & Surg 1988;17:30-31.
Sheridan J, Burke M, Mee F, Kenny R A, O’Brien E, O’Malley K Accuracy of the SpaceLabs automatic indirect ambulatory blood pressure recorder: a comparison with the Remler M2000. J Ir Coll Physicians & Surg 1988;17:31
O’Brien E, Ryan J, O’Malley K. Nicardipine as monotherapy in the treatment of hypertension. J Ir Coll Physicians & Surg 1988;17:31
Kenny R A, Mee F, Atkins N, O’Brien E, O’Malley K. Diurnal variation in blood pressure recordings during non-invasive 24 hour ambulatory monitoring. J Ir Coll Physicians & Surg 1988;17:32
Cox J P, Atkins N, Mee F, Coakley D, O’Brien E, O’Malley K. An evaluation of the antihypertensive efficacy and renal haemodynamic effects of pinacidil in systolic hypertension in the elderly. J Ir Coll Physicians & Surg 1988;17:32
McCormack P, Mee F, Atkins N, O’Brien E, O’Malley K. Efficacy of sustained release verapamil (VSR) in essential hypertension (HT). J Ir Coll Physicians & Surg 1988;17:33
Cox J P, Duggan J, Walsh J B, Coakley D, O’Brien E, O’Malley K. Captopril in the management of hypertension in the elderly. J Ir Coll Physicians & Surg 1988;17:133-134.
Sheridan J, Perry I, O’Brien E, O’Malley K. “Dippers” and “Non-Dippers”: Does absence of diurnal variation in blood pressure predict stroke? J Ir Coll Physicians & Surg 1988;17:134.
O’Malley K, O’Brien E (for the EWPHE group). Isolated systolic hypertension: data from the European Working Party on High Blood Pressure in the Elderly (EWPHE) study. J Ir Coll Physicians & Surg 1988;17:136.
Cox J P, O’Brien E, O’Malley K. The role of ambulatory blood pressure measurement in the assessment of blood pressure lowering drugs. J Ir Coll Physicians & Surg 1988;17:139.
Perry I, Sheridan J,Atkins N, O’Malley K, O’Brien E. Cusum plots and ambulatory blood pressure records. J Ir Coll Physicians & Surg 1988;17:140-141.
Kenny R A, Atkins N, Mee F, O’Malley K, O’Brien E. Age related differences in blood pressure measured by the family practitioner, hospital clinic and ambulatory recording. Ir J Med Sci 1988;157:163-164.
Cox J P, Duggan J, Walsh J B, Coakley D, O’Brien E, O’Malley K. Captopril in the management of hypertension in the elderly. Ir J Med Sci 1988;157:164
General and educational
O’Brien E. Ambualatory blood pressure measurement. Irish Doctor 1988:pp.1227-1230.
Cox J, O’Brien E, O’Malley K. Drug treatment of hypertension in the elderly. Topics in Circulation 1988:3:2-3.
Scientific papers
de Swiet M, Dillon MJ, Littler W, O’Brien E, Padfield PL, Petrie JC. Measurement of blood pressure measurement in children. Br Med J 1989;299:497.
Clement DL, [Coates A, Conway J, Mancia G, O’Brien E.] Home versus office monitoring of blood pressure: a European multicentre study of high blood pressure. J Hypertens 1989;7(suppl 3):S49-S51.
Cox JP, England R, Cox T, Walsh JB, Coakley D, Feely J, O’Malley K, O’Brien E. Do patients with stiff arteries have high blood pressure? J Hypertens 1989;7 (suppl6):S82-S83.
Staessen J, Bulpitt C, Clement D, de Leeuw P, Fagard R, Fletcher A, Forette F, Leonetti G, Nissinen A, O’Malley K, Tuomilehto J, Webster J, Williams BO. Relation between mortality and treated blood pressure in elderly patients with hypertension: report of the European Working Party on High Blood Pressure in the Elderly. Br Med J 1989;298:1552-6.
Cox JP, Duggan J, O’Boyle CA, Mee F, Walsh JB, Coakley D, O’Brien E, O’Malley K. A double-blind evaluation of captopril in elderly hypertensives. J Hypertens 1989;7:299-303.
de Swiet M, Dillon MJ, Littler W, O’Brien E, Padfield PL, Petrie JC. Measurement of blood pressure measurement in children. Br Med J 1989;299:793-794.
O’Brien E, O’Malley K. Body weight and arterial hypertension. BMJ 1989;299:1281.
Stanton AV, Casey M, O’Brien E. Echocardiography in diagnosis of aortic dissection. Lancet 1989; ii: 1201.
Books and booklets
Cox JP, O’Brien E, O’Malley K. Management of hypertension in the elderly. In; New Frontiers in Cardiovascular Therapy: Focus on Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibition. Eds. E.H.Sonneblick, J.H.Laragh, M.Lesch. Excerpta Medica. Holland. 1988. pp.157-164.
European Working Party on High Blood Pressure in the Elderly. (O’Malley K, O’Brien E, Cox J.) SYST-EUR: the European trial on systolic hypertension in the elderly. J Hypertens 1989;7 (suppl6):S362.
O’Brien E, Sheridan J, Browne T, Conroy R, O’Malley K. Validation of the SpaceLabs 90202 ambulatory blood pressure recorder. J Hypertens 1989;7 (suppl6):S388.
Cox J, Cox T, England R, Walsh J, Coakley D, O’Brien E, O’Malley K. Do patients with stiff arteries have high blood pressure? Ir J Med Sci 1989;158 242.
Kenny R A, Atkins N, Mee F, O’Malley K, O’Brien E. Age related differences in blood pressure measured by the family practitioner, hospital clinic and ambulatory recording. Ir J Med Sci 1988;158:193-194.
Duggan J, Kilfeather S, O’Brien E, O’Malley K. The relationships between platelet free calcium concentration, age and blood pressure. Ir J Med Sci 1989;158:199.
O’Malley K, O’Brien E, Amery A. Diuretics – a risk in the long-term treatment of hypertensive patients? J Ir Coll Physicians & Surg 1989;18:236.
Cox JP, O’Brien E, O’Malley K. The relationship between mortality and blood pressure in elderly hypertensives. J Ir Coll Physicians & Surg 1989;18:237.
Cox J, Cox T, England R, Walsh J, Coakley D, Feely J, O’Brien E, O’Malley K. Do patients with stiff arteries have high blood pressure? J Ir Coll Physicians & Surg 1989;18:239.
General and educational
[O’Brien E, Mee F, Atkins N, O’Malley K.] Keep Blood Pressure Down. WHICH? Magazine. August 1989.pp 372-375.
O’Malley K. Choice of drugs now available for the treatment of hypertension. Irish Medical Times June 23; 1989.
O’Brien E. Are we overdiagnosing hypertension? Irish Medical Times June 23; 1989.
Stanton A. The role of diet in hypertension. Irish Medical Times June 23; 1989.
Cox J. Management of systolic hypertension in the elderly. Irish Medical Times June 23; 1989.