Association of Physicians, Dublin. April 1981
O’Brien E. Ambulatory and home recording of blood pressure.
Symposium on Hypertension. Manchester. March 1981
O’Brien E. Common errors in the measurement of blood pressure.
Joint Meeting of the 4th International Symposium on Ambulatory Monitoring and the 2nd Gent Workshop on Blood Pressure Variability, Gent. June 1981
O’Brien E. Studies in Remler ambulatory measurement.
8th Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Hypertension, Milan. June 1981
O’Brien E. Inaccuracy of the London School of Hygiene sphygmomanometer.
Symposium on Stroke, Dublin. September 1981
O’Brien E. Hypertension and stroke.
Hypertension Symposium, Jersey. March 1982
O’Brien E. When is high blood pressure hypertension?
4th Meeting of the European Blood Pressure Group, Dublin. July 1982
O’Brien E. Beta-adrenoceptor function in hypertension.
British Hypertension Society, Oxford. September 1982
O’Brien E. The effect of aging on the relationship between simultaneous direct and indirect blood pressure measurements.
Hypertension Workshop, Dublin. November 1982
O’Brien E. When is high blood pressure hypertension?
Irish Cardiac Society, Dublin. December 1982
O’Brien E. Beta-receptor density and responsiveness in borderline hypertension.
Symposium of the Austrian Study Group on Clinical Pharmacology:International Symposium on Blood Pressure Variability, Vienna. January 1983
O’Brien E. Ambulatory blood pressure in normotensive and hypertensive subjects.
Sixth Annual Meeting of the County Sligo General Practitioners’Society, Sligo. February 1983
O’Brien E. When is high blood pressure hypertension?
Symposium for the Presentation of the Results of the Actare Study and the Treatment of Acute Myocardial Infarction, Spain. February 1983
O’Brien E. Treatment of acute myocardial infarction.
Faculty of General Practitioners, Belfast. March 1983
O’Brien E. When is high blood pressure hypertension?
First European Meeting on Hypertension, Milan. May 1983
O’Brien E. Ambulatory blood pressure in normotensive and hypertensive subjects.
Tenth International Meeting on Indapamide in Europe, Bellagio, Italy.June 1983
O’Brien E. The efficay of indapamide in hypertensive patients failing to respond to a beta-adrenergic blocking drug.
Symposium: Controversies in Hypertension, Gothenburg. September 1983
O’Brien E. How should we measure blood pressure?
Medicine and Human Biology. Extra-Mural Studies. U.C.D. February 1984
O’Brien E. Do people with high blood pressure expect too much from their doctors?
Symposium on Hypertension in the Elderly, Cambridge. April 1984
O’Brien E. Assessment of hypertension in the elderly.
Compliance Improving Strategies in Hypertension. Satellite Symposium, 10th Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Hypertension, Switzerland. June 1984
O’Brien E, Fitzgerald D, O’Malley K. Home recording of blood pressure: effect on blood pressure control.
Symposium on Pharmacology and Therapeutics in the Elderly. Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland. March 1985
O’Brien E. Therapeutics of hypertension.
International Symposium on Ambulatory Monitoring. Padua, Italy. March 1985
Brennan M, O’MaIley K, O’Brien E. The contribution of ambulatory blood pressure in therapeutic trials.
Brennan M, Mee F, O’MaIley K, O’Brien E. A computer program to store and analyse ambulatory blood pressure data for the Remler M-2000 recorder.
Irish Cardiac Society and Maryland Heart Association Joint Meeting. Balmalue House, Cork. May 1985
O’Brien E. The contribution of ambulatory blood pressure measurements in anti-hypertensive drug studies.
Second European Meeting on Hypertension, Milan. June 1985
O’MaIley K, Fitzgerald D, O’Brien E. Ambulatory blood pressure measurement is an essential component of the clinical evaluation of anti-hypertenive drugs.
Brennan M, Fitzgerald D, O’Malley K, O’Brien E. The accuracy and reliability of the Del Mar Avionics Pressurometer III.
Annual Scientific Meeting of the British Hypertension Society. Downing College, Cambridge. September 1985
Cox J, O’Boyle C, Coakley D, O’Brien E, O’MalIey K. Mental function and the treatment of hypertension in the elderly.
International Society of Hypertension. Heidleberg. July 1986
O’Malley K, O’Brien E, Brennan M. The effect of age on blood pressure and heart rate variability in hypertension.
Irish Gerontological Society, Dublin. October 1986
McCormack P M.E, Marron J, O’Brien E, O’MalIey K. Ketanserin, a 5-HT-2 antagonist, in the treatment of elderly hypertensives.
7th Meeting of the European Blood Pressure Group. Madonna di Campiglio, Italy. January 1988
O’Brien E. The influence of nocturnal blood pressure on 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure.
Calcium Antagonists in Hypertension: 25th Anniversary International Symposium. Basel, Switzerland. February 1988
McCormack P M E,Mee F, Atkins N, Latham A, O’Malley K, O’Brien E. The duration of action of sustained release verapamil in essential hypertension.
British Geriatrics Society. Oxford. April 1988
Cox JP, Duggan J, Walsh JB, Coakley D, O’Brien E, O’Malley K Captopril in the management of hypertension in the elderly.
Beaumont Hospital Study Day. Dublin. May 1988
O’Brien E. What’s new in hypertension?
7th European Congress on Diseases of the Chest. Dublin. July 1988
O’Brien E. Ambulatory blood pressure measurement in hypertension research and management.
IVth Swiss Hypertension Workshop:Modern Approaches to Blood Pressure Measurements – Patient Education. Stein-am-Rhine, Switzerland. September 1988
O’Brien E, O’Malley K. Validation of Ambulatory Devices.
British Hypertension Society. Edinburgh. September 1988
Duggan J, Kilfeather S, O’Brien E, O’Malley K. The interrelationship between age, blood pressure and platelet intracellular free calcium concentration.
Irish Gerontological Society. Belfast. October 1988
Cox J, Cox T, England R, Walsh J, Coakley D, Feely J, O’Brien E, O’Malley K. Do subjects with stiff arteries have high blood pressure?
Duggan J, Kilfeather S, O’Brien E, O’Malley K. The relationships between platelet free calcium concentration ([Ca2 ]i), age, and blood pressure (BP).
Conflicting aspects in the clinical approach to hypertension. Montecassino, Italy. October 1988
O’Brien E. When is high blood pressure hypertension? The role of ambulatory blood pressure in diagnosis.
8th Meeting of the European Blood Pressure Group. Innsbrook, Austria. 2 February 1989
O’Brien E, O’Malley K. A multicenter European trial of antihypertensive drugs.
The International Symposium on ACE Inhibition. London. 16 February 1989
Cox J.P, Duggan J, Walsh J.B, Coakley D, O’Brien E, O’Malley K. Captopril in the management of hypertension in the elderly.
European Hypertension Meeting.Milan . June 1989
Cox J, Cox T, England R, Walsh J, Coakley D, Feely J, O’Brien E, O’Malley K. Do patients with stiff arteries have high blood pressure?
O’Brien E, Sheridan J, Browne T, Conroy R, Atkins N, O’Malley K. Validation of the SpaceLabs 90202 ambulatory blood pressure recorder.
Biological Sciences Section. Royal Academy of Medicine. Galway. June
Gaine G, Cox J, England J, Walsh D, Coakley D, Feeley J, O’Brien E,
O’Malley K. The reliability of Osler’s manouvre in elderly patients.
O’Brien E, O’Malley K. A multicenter European trial of antihypertensive drugs.
British Hypertension Society Scientific Meeting. Oxford. September 1989
O’Brien E. Working Party on Blood Pressure Measurement Report.
Irish Gerontological Society. Dublin. September 1989.
Gaine G, Cox J, England J, Walsh D, Coakley D, Feeley J, O’Brien E, O’Malley K. The reliability of Osler’s manouvre in elderly patients.
British Geriatric Society. London. September 1989.
Duggan J, Kilfeather S, Lightman S, O’Brien E, O’Malley K. Blood pressure and calcium.
Irish Cardiac Society Annual General Meeting. St. Vincent’s Hospital. Dublin. Dec 1989
Cox J, O’Brien E, O’Malley Kl. The J-shaped curve.
Indirect Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring: Consensus Conference. Berlin. March 1990.
O’Brien E. Validation requirements for blood pressure equipment.
O’Brien E. Preliminary results of the AIB Study.
International Advisory Board on Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring. London. March 1990.
O’Brien E. Validation requirements for blood pressure equipment.
O’Brien E. Normal ambulatory blood pressure.
American Society of Hypertension. New York. May 1990
American Society of Hypertension/FDA Symposium.. How can a drug’s antihypertensive effect best be shown?
O’Brien E. Methodology of blood pressure measurement.
Stanton A, O’Brien E, O’Malley K. Drug treatment and circadian rhythm.
Concensus Meeting on ambulatory measurement. Cornell Medical Center. New York Hospital. O’Brien E. The AIB Study.
British Geriatric Society. Portrush. May 1990.
O’Malley K, Cox J, O’Brien E. The latest results from the European Working Party Study of Hypertension in the Elderly.
13th Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Hypertension. Montreal. June 1990
O’Brien E. Special Guest Lecture . Evaluation of blood pressure measuring devices with special reference to ambulatory systems.
O’Brien E. Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring in the Evaluation of Drug Efficacy
O’Malley K, O’Brien E. The AIB Study.
Methodology of Blood Pressure Measurement. MSD Symposium. Montreal. June 1990
O’Brien E. Accuracy of the Random Zero Device.
O’Brien E. Observer Training.
XIIth Congress of the European Society of Cardiology. Stockholm. Ambulatory BP Monitoring. Sept 1990.
O`Brien E. The 24 hour profile of blood pressure in normotensives and hypertensives.
Hypertension Symposium. Cambridge. September 1990
O’Brien E. 24 hour blood pressure monitoring. State of the art.
British Hypertension Society. Cambridge. September 1990
Stanton A, O’Brien E. The Cusum plot: its utility in the analysis of circadian profiles.
Societe Francaise d’Hypertension. Symposium: Ambulatory Blood Pressure Load. Paris. Feb 8 – 9th. 1991.
O’Brien E: Ambulatory blood pressure measurement: therapeutical implications.
Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh. Symposium: Hypertension. February 20th. 1991.
O’Brien E: Measurement of blood pressure.
13th Annual Meeting of the Spanish League of Hypertension. 10-13th April, 1991. Valencia. Spain.
O’Brien E. Ambulatory blood pressure in diagnosis.
O’Brien E. Importance of 24-hour ABPM in the selection and assessment of antihypertensive drugs.
AAMI 26th Annual Meeting and Exposition, Washington DC. May 11-15th, 1991.
O’Brien E, Mee F, Atkins N, O’Malley K. A comparative study of the AAMI and BHS criteria in the evaluation of the SpaceLabs 90207, Novacor DIASYS 200, Del Mar Avionics Pressurometer IV and Takeda TM-2420 ambulatory systems.
Fifth European Meeting on Hypertension. European Society of Hypertension. Milan. 7-10th June 1991.
Stanton AV, Mulaney P, Mee F, O’Malley K, O’Brien E. Fundal arteriolar and venular alterations are associated with mild to moderate hypertension.
Cox J, Atkins N, O’Malley K, O’Brien E. Does isolated systolic hypertension (ISH) exist on ambulatory blood pressure measurement?
O’Brien E, Mee F, Atkins N, O’Malley K. Accuracy of the SpaceLabs 90207, Novacor DIASYS 200, Del Mar Pressurometer IV, and Takeda TM-2420 ambulatory systems according to the AAMI and BHS criteria.
Staessen J, Bulpitt CJ, Fagard R, Lijren P, Mancia G, O’Brien E, Vyncke G, Amery A. Reference values for the ambulatory pressure and pressure measured at home: a population study. (Poster)
Mancia G, Brunnar HR, Conway J, Pessina AC, Pickering T, Staessen J, Zanchetti A, O’Brien E. Plenary Session. Round Table Discussion. What Blood Pressure to Measure?
Ambulatory Blood Pressure. Venice. June 13th, 1991
O’Malley K, O’Brien E. Ambulatory blood pressure in the elderly.
SEUG 91. Amsterdam. June 11-14, 1991.
Atkins N, O’Brien E. Rhythm pattern analysis. A simplified approach.
Symposium on Hypertension. Iceland. 2-4th July, 1991.
O’Brien E. Ambulatory blood pressure measurement in the diagnosis and management of hypertension.
European Society of Cardiology. Amsterdam. August 18-22nd, 1991.
Systolic Hypertension in the elderly.
O’Brien E, O’Malley K. Should systolic hypertension be treated and how?
O’Brien E. Evaluation of Antihypertensive Drug Treatment in the 90s.
Second International Consensus Meeting on 24-Hour Ambualtory Blood pressure Measurement. Royal College of Surgeons. 23rd September 1991.
O’Brien E, Staessen J. Meta-analysis of population studies.
O’Brien E, O’Malley K. Introduction to Proceedings of Consensus Meeting.
Pickering T, O’Brien E, O’Malley K. Consensus 1991.
O’Brien E, Mee F, Atkins N, O’Malley K. Validation requirements for ambulatory devices.
O’Brien E, Cox J, O’Malley K. Criteria for clinical use of ABPM
Halligan A, O’Brien E, Walshe J, Darling M, O’Malley K. ABPM and pregnancy.
Cox J, O’Brien E, O’Malley K, Staessen J, Amery A. ABPM and Syst-Eur.
O’Brien E, McCarthy G, Murphy J, Tyndall A, Mee F, Atkins N, Staessen J, O’Malley K. The AIB Study.
Halligan A, O’Brien E, Walshe J, Darling M, O’Malley K. The Dublin Pregnancy Study.
British Hypertension Society Dublin September 24-25th, 1991.
Stanton A, Tan S, Crowley J, Mullaney P, Atkins N, O’Malley K, O’brien E. Circadian blood pressure changes and target organ damage.
Cox J, O’Malley K, O’Brien E. Reproducibility of the circadian blood pressure profile in hypertensive patients.
Cox J, O’Malley K, O’Brien E. Does ambulatory blood pressure measurement predict left ventricular hypertrophy.
Nurses Hypertension Association
Mee F, Dowdall C, Bradshaw A, Cox J, Atkins N, O’Brien E. Shared Care for hypertension in Dublin.
Association Suisse contre l’hypertension Arterielle. Royal Academy of medicine Royal Academy of medicine Fribourg. 5-6th September 1991.
L’enregistrement ambulatoire de la pression arterielle en pratique courante.
O’Brien E. Accuracy of ambulatory blood pressure recorders.
O’Brien E. Chairman: Round Table discussion on ambulatory blood pressure.
Inaugural National Scientific Medical Meeting. Royal College of Physicians. 13-14th March 1992.
Stanton A, O’Brien E, O’Malley K. Antihypertensive drug effect on the relationship between mean blood pressures and circadian changes.
Belgian Hypertension Society. Brussels. 14th March 1992.
Thijs L, Staessen J, O’Brien E, Atkins N, Bulpitt CJ, Cox J, Fagard R, O’Malley K, Amery A. The increase in blood pressure and body mass index is overestimated by conventional sphygmomanometry.
10th Meeting of the European Blood Pressure Group. Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring. King’s College, Cambridge. 6th – 9th April 1992,
O’Brien E. How accurate are the current ambulatory systems?
Seugi Meeting. Vienna 22 – 24th May 1992.
Atkins N, O’Brien E. Writing a 4GL for statistical analysis of customised data bases.
Annual Scientific Meeting of Royal Australasian College of Physcians. Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring. Adelaide, Australia. 6th – 8th May 1992
O’Brien E. Ambulatory blood pressure measurement in the elderly
European Society of Cardiology Workshop on Evaluation of Organ Damage in Hypertension. Sirmione, Italy. 23 – 24 May. 1992.
O’Brien E. Technical aspects of 24-hour blood pressure monitoring.
14th Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Hypertension. Madrid. June 14-19, 1992.
Stanton A, Mullaney P, O’Brien E, O’Malley K. Influences of age and blood pressure on retinal microvessel calibre.
Staessen J, O’Brien E, Atkins N, Bulpitt CJ, Cox J, Fagard R, O’Malley K, Amery A. The increase in BP with age and BMI is greater with conventional than with ambulatory sphygmomanometry.
Halligan A, O’Brien E, O’Malley K, Walshe J, Mee F, Atkins N, Darling M. Non-invasive twenty-four hour ambulatory blood pressure measurement in primagravid pregnancy: a longitudinal study.
Atkins N, O’Brien E, O’Malley K. Multi-Pi analysis: a new method of analysing 24-hour ABPM.
Staessen J, O’Brien ET, Atkins N, Bulpitt CJ, Cox J, Fagard R, O’Malley K,
Thijs L, Amery A. The increase in BP with age and BMI is greater with conventional than with ambulatory sphygmomanometry.
Staessen J, Bulpitt CJ, O’Brien ET, Cox J, Fagard R, Lynen P, Stanton A, Thijs L, Amery A. The diurnal BP profile: a population study.
5th Annual Research Meeting. Cardiovascular complications and ABP. Department of Clinical Biology and Hormonal Regulation, Tohoku University. 29th August 1992
O’Brien E. The relationship of 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure measurement to target organ damage.
O’Brien E. The current use of ambulatory blood pressure measurement.
Hypertension Update IV. Cambridge. 24-26th Septemeber 1992.
O’Brien E. How and with what to measure blood pressure: the role of ABPM.
O’Brien E. White coat hypertension.
Hypertension Symposium..Cambridge. 24-25th Septemeber 1992.
O’Brien E. Ambulatory blood pressure measurement.
Third International Consensus Meeting on Ambulatory Blood Pressure Measurement. New Orleans. November 11th. 1992.
O’Brien E. Defining normal ambulatory blood pressure from population studies.
Dysfunction of Mind and Body in the Elderly: Assessment and Interventions. Brussels. March 1993.
Staessen J, Kivinen P, Lehtomaki E, O’Brien E, Thijs L, Trimareo B, Yodfat Y, Vanhanen H, Vanska O, Webster J. Nitrendipine in older patients with isolated systolic hypertension: second progress report of the Syst-Eur trial.
Sixth WHO/ISH Meeting on Mild Hypertension. Chantilly, France. 27 – 31st March 1993.
O’Brien E. Evaluation of devices.
Workshop on Ambulatory Blood Pressure Measurement: theory and practice in primary care. Lincoln College. Oxford. 14-15th April 1993.
O’Brien E. Patterns of ABPM: normality and abnormality.
Sixth European Meeting on Hypertension. Milan. 4th – 7th June 1993.
O’Brien E, Mee F, Atkins N, O’Malley K. Accuracy of the SpaceLabs 90207 ambulatory blood pressure measuring system in pregnancy determined by the British Hypertension Society Protocol.
Hypertension Update V. Churchill College. Cambridge. 6-7th September 1993.
O’Brien E. ABPM: how and when to use it.
Workshop on 24h ABPM in Clinical Practice. Lausanne. 10th September 1993
O’Brien E. The Clinical use of ABPM
O’Brien E. Validation of blood pressure measuring devices.
BHS Annual Scientific Meeting. Cambridge. 13-15th September 1993.
O’Brien E, Atkins N, O’Malley K. Selecting the correct bladder according to the distribution of arm circumference in the population.
Conroy R, O’Brien E, O’Malley K, Atkins N. Discussion on the continued use of the Hawksley random zero sphygmomanometer.
Blood Pressure Symposium. Cannes. 22nd October 1993.
O’Brien E. 24-hour ABPM: From research to practice.
Symposium on Ambulatory Blood Pressure. Amsterdam. 20th November 1993.
O’Brien E. History and perspectives of measuring blood pressure
ABPM Workshop for General Practitioners. Edinburgh. 24th November 1993.
O’Brien E. Patterns of ABPM
Irish College of General Practitioners Annual Meeting. Royal College of Surgeons. 27th November 1993.
O’Brien E. New concepts in the care of the hypertensive patient.
4th International Consensus Meeting on 24-h ABPM. Leuven. Belgium. 17th-18th January 1994.
O’Brien E. ABPM is overdue in clinical practice.
Belgium Workshop on Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring. Leuven. 18th January 1994.
O’Brien E. Which devices can be recommended for clinical use?
Mater Hospital Post-graduate Lecture. Mater Hospital. 4th February 1994.
O’Brien E. When is high blood pressure hypertension?
15th Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Hypertension. Melbourne. 20 – 24th March, 1994.
Atkins N, O’Brien E, Mee F. A customised international database system for storing and analysing ambulatory blood pressure measurements and related data.
Atkins N, O’Brien E. ‘Load’ and ‘Leese’ indices as useful measurements in the management of hypertension..
Staessen J, O’Brien E and the Ad-Hoc Working Group. The Ambulatory Pressure in normotensive (NT) compared with hypertensive (HT) subjects.
Staessen J, O’Brien E, Atkins N, Fagard R, Amery A. A Consistent Reference Frame for ABPM is found in Different Populations.
O’Brien E. Chairman. International Symposium: Pressure to Treat – Is ACE Inhibition the Key?
Scientific Meeting of the American Societry of hypertension. New York. May 1994.
Staessen J, O’Brien E. The Ambulatory Pressure in normotensive (NT) compared with hypertensive (HT) subjects.
Staessen J, O’Brien E, Fagard R, Amery A. A Consistent Framework for ABPM is found Different Populations.
Cardiology Update, Ardhowen Theatre, Enniskillen. 3rd June 1994.
O’Brien E. 24h ambulatory blood pressure measurement.
Cardio-Omni 1994. Belgian Symposium. Ostend. 24th June 1994.
O’Brien E. Has traditional blood pressure measurement become old-fashioned?
Hypertension Arterielle. Première rencontre annuelle genevoise sur l’ENREGISTREMENT AMBULATOIRE DE LA PRESSION ARTERIELLE. Hôpital Cantonal Universataire de Geneve. 7th September 1994.
O’Brien E. Ambulatory Blood Pressure: Quality Control of the devices and their application to the diagnosis of hypertension.
Workshop: Langzeitblutdruckmessung in der Praxis. Universitätsspital Zürich, med. Poliklinik, Zurich.
O’Brien E. Clinical applications of ambulatory blood pressure monitoring.
British Hypertension Society Annual Scientific Meeting. RCSI. Dublin. 19th – 21st September 1994.
O’Brien E, Mee F, Atkins N. An accurate automated device for home blood pressure measurement at last! The Omron HEM-705C.
Handbook of Hypertension Symposium. Amsterdam. 1st October 1994.
O’Brien E. Ambualatory blood pressure measurement and the occurence of organ damage.
Hypertension Update VI. Stratford-upon-Avon. 1st – 3rd December 1994.
O’Brien E. ABPM – when and why?
O’Brien E. Managing special cases – age, sex and race.
ABPM Workshop Series 1994
Chairman: E. O’Brien
ABPM Workshop I. Cardiff. 2nd November 1994
ABPM Workshop II. Belfast. 18th November 1994
ABPM Workshop III. Southampton. 30th November 1994.
O’Brien E. Lecturer of the Year. (Under the auspices of the Belgian Hypertension Society). Belgian Universities. 16th-21st January 1995
University of Gent:
When is high blood pressure hypertension? New concepts in clinical management.
University of Liege:
When is high blood pressure hypertension? New concepts in clinical management.
University of Louvain:
When is high blood pressure hypertension? New concepts in clinical management.
The role of 24-h ambulatory blood pressure measurement in clinical practice
University of Antwerp:
When is high blood pressure hypertension? New concepts in clinical management.
University of Brussels:
When is high blood pressure hypertension? New concepts in clinical management.
The role of 24-h ambulatory blood pressure measurement in clinical practice
Roscommon County Hospital Meeting on Ambulatory Monitoring. 8th February 1995
O’Brien E. Clinical applications of ambulatory blood pressure.
Royal College of Surgeons. 4th Overseas Meeting. Arabian Gulf University College of Medicine and Medical Sciences. State of Bahrain. 14th March 1995
O’Brien E. The Place of Research in Medical Education and Training.
Blood Pressure Variability and Its Impact on Clinical Practice. St. Andrew’s, Scotland. 12th – 13th May 1995.
O’Brien E. Overnight Dip and Target Organ Damage.
Tenth Scientific Meeting of American Society of Hypertension. New York, 17-20th May. 1995.
O’Brien E. Home Blood Pressure Monitoring.
Satellite Symposium ‘Ambulatory Blood Pressure’. Sixth European Meeting on Hypertension. Milan. Italy. 9th June 1995
O’Brien E. Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring devices.
O’Brien E, Mee F, Atkins N. A replacement for observers in hypertension research: the ‘Sphygmocorder’.
Time-Dependent Structure and Control of Arterial Blood Pressure. New York Academy of Sciences Conference. University of Ferrara. Italy. 11-12th September 1995.
O’Brien E. Aging and blood pressure rhythms.
British Hypertension Society Annual Scientific Meeting. University of Stratclyde. Glasgow. 11 – 13th September 1995.
O’Brien E,. Staessen J. State of the market: What ambulatory blood pressure measuring devices are available and how accurate are they?
Hypertension Update VII. Cambridge. 28th – 30th September 1995.
O’Brien E. ABPM – Practical issues.
O’Brien E. Managing the elderly hypertensive.
Irish Heart Foundation Public Lecture. Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland. 16th November 1995.
O’Brien E. High or Low? Do you know?
5th International Consensus Meeting on 24-h ABPM. Paris. 8th – 9th January 1996.
O’Brien E. Position Paper. Methods of Measurement.
Workshop ‘Frontiers in Blood Pressure Measurement’. Bad Oeynhausen, Germany. 26th January 1996.
O’Brien E. Blood pressure cuffs.
Irish Colllege of General Practitioners. Longford/Westmeath. 28th February 1996.
O’Brien E. Ambulatory Blood Pressure Measurement.
Merck International Satellite. French Society of Hypertension Scientific Meeting. Clinical Perspectives of AII Receptor Antagonism Within the United Kingdom. Paris. 19-20th April 1996.
O’Brien E. Blood pressure variability and clinical experience in primary and secondary care.
O’Brien E. Chairman. Workshop on clinical perspectives of AII receptor anatgonists.
Symposium on Preventive Diplomacy. United Nations. New York, 23 – 25th April 1996.
O’Brien E. The diplomatic implications of emerging diseases..
General Practice Symposium on 24-Hour Ambulatory Blood pressure Measurement. Oxford. 3rd May 1996.
O’Brien E. Patterns of ABPM in general practice.
SEUGI 96. Congress Centrum. Hamburg. 11-14th June 1996.
Atkins N, O’Brien E. A method of identifying cut-off points in clinical investigation.
16th Scientific Meeting of he International Society of Hypertension. Glasgow. 23rd-27th June 1996. Centenary tribute to Riva-Rocci. Glasgow. 23 -27th June 1996.
O’Brien E, Semple P, Brown B. Historical exhibition on Blood Pressure Measurement.
16th Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Hypertension. Satellite Meeting. A centenary tribute to conventional blood pressure measurement: whither blood pressure measurement in the next century? Dublin. 19-20th June 1996
O’Brien E. Historical perspective: ‘Where are we now?’
Atkins N, O’Brien E. Computer analysis of blood pressure indices.
O’Brien E. How will we ensure accuracy in the future?
16th Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Hypertension. Satellite Meeting. The multi-disciplinary care of clinical hypertension. Glasgow. 23rd June 1996
O’Brien E. Are mercury sphygmomanometers obsolete?
N. Atkins, Thijis L, O’Brien E, Staessen J on behalf of the Syst-Eur Investigators. Normal nocturanl pressure rather than magnitude of dip may be predictive.
O’Brien E, Atkins N, Molloy E. Patterns of 24-hour blood pressure in normotensive and hypertensive subjects and pregnant women.
British Hypertension Society Scientific Meeting. St. John’s College, Cambridge. 16-18th September 1996.
O’Brien E, Semple P, Brown B. Centneary Exhibition to Riva-Rocci.
Cardiology Forum ‘96. Heidelberg, Germany. 3-5th, October 1996.
Debate: Is there a role for ambulatory blood pressure monitoring?
For: E. O’Brien Against: L. Ramsay
Hypertension Update VII. Stratford-upon-Avon. 24-26th October 1996.
O’Brien E. – Pactical issues In ABPM.
Workshop on ABPM for UK General Practitioners. London. 6th November 1996.
O’Brien E. Patterns of ambulatory blood pressure in clinical practice.
Workshop on ABPM for UK General Practitioners. Doncaster. 21st November 1996
O’Brien E. Patterns of ambulatory blood pressure in clinical practice.
Blood Pressure Symposium. University of Leuven. Belgium. 30th November 1996.
O’Brien E. Clinical applications of ABPM.
Workshop on ABPM for UK General Practitioners. Birmingham. 5th December 1996
O’Brien E. Patterns of ambulatory blood pressure in clinical practice.
Workshops on ABPM for UK General Practitioners. Belfast. 22nd January 1997.
Chairman: E. O’Brien.
Syst-Eur Annual Meeting. Leuven. Belgium. 21-22nd March 1997.
Chairman: E. O’Brien. Ambulatory side-project Workshop.
Annual Research Day. RCSI. 2nd April 1997.
Owens P, Rodriguez SA, Lyons S, de Leeuw PW, O’Brien ET. White coat hypertension – LV mass and the relation to blood pressure load. Poster.
Workshop on 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure measurement in general practice. Beaumont Hospital. 16th April 1997.
Chairman: E. O’Brien
Twelfth Scientific Meeting of the American Society of Hypertension. San Francisco. 28th – 31st May 1997.
O’Brien E. Invited Chairman of session : Ambulatory Blood pressure
Clement D, De Buyzere M, Missault L on behalf of the OvA investigators. Value of 1, 2, 3 hour segments of ambulatory blood pressure patterns in essential hypertension. Abstract.
Annual Meeting of the Swiss Association Against High Blood Pressure. Hypertension Update. Lugano. Switzerland. 12th June 1997.
O’Brien E. Validation of home blood pressure measurement devices.
European Society of Hypertension. 8th European Meeting on Hypertension. Milan. 13-16th June. 1997.
Staessen J, Thijs L, Byttebier G, Clement D, O’Brien ET, Palatini P, Rodicio JL, Rosenfeld J, Fagard R on behalf of the Systolic Hypertension In Europe (SYST-EUR) Trial Investigators. Determining the Trough-to-Peak ration in parallel-group trials.
Staessen J, Byttebier G, Celis H, O’Brien E, Fagard R and the APTH Investigators. Double-blind comparison of antihypertensive treatment guided by conventional or ambulatory blood pressure measurement.
O’Sullivan C, Duggan J, Atkins N, Sexton A, Mee F, O’Brien E. Ambulatory blood pressure levels in the elderly.
Staessen J on behalf of the Syst-Eur Investigators. The Systolic Hypertension in Europe Trial (Syst-Eur). Principal results.
Bulpitt CJ, Connor M, Fletcher AE, on behalf of the HYVET investigators. Orthostatic fall in blood pressure in the very elderly hypertensive (pilot trial results from the Hypertension in the Very Elderly Trial, HYVET)
Seux MI, Thijs L, Forette on behalf of the Syst-Eur Investigators. Isolated systolic hypertension in elderly and cognitive functions: esperience of SYST-EUR.
Chalmers JP for PROGRESS Management Committee. PROGRESS – patient characteristics at baseline and status in June 1996.
Scientific Meeting of the British Hypertension Society. Bristol. 15th – 17th September 1997.
Owens P, Rodriguez SA, Lyons S, de Leeuw PW, O’Brien ET. White coat hypertension and end-organ damage: does isolated elevation of clinic blood pressure predict hypertension related end-organ damage?
45th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Irish Gerontological Society. 26-27th September 1997. Killiney, Dublin
O’Sullivan C, Duggan J, O’Brien E. on behalf of the PROGRESS Investigators. PROGRESS – Patient characteristics and blood pressure differences
MSD University Program. Dublin. 10th October 1997.
O’Brien E. 24-hour blood pressure monitoring.
Japanese Study Group for Physiology and Management of Blood Pressure. Kyoto. Japan. 6th December 1997.
Annual Lecturer; O’Brien E. The role of ambulatory blood pressure measurement in clinical practice.
MSD University Program for Norwegian Physicians, Dublin, 23rd January 1998.
O’Brien, E. Clinical applications of 34-hour ambulatory blood pressure measurement and the importance of 24-hour blood pressure control.
The Fifth Conference on Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring. Monza. Italy. February 2nd – 3rd 1998.
Chairman: O’Brien, E. Panel discussion on ambulatory blood pressure normalcy: available studies, meta-analysis and calculation problems.
O’Brien E. Is there a need for a common validation protocol?
Irish Heart Foundation Symposium: Hypertension: How Recent and On-going Studies are
Changing Clinical Practice. Dublin. 21st February 1998.
O’Brien E. Chairman
O’Brien E. The results of the APTH Trial.
Symposium on Hypertension. Killarney. Co. Kerry. 28th February 1998.
O’Brien E. Chairman
O’Brien E. Ambulatory blood pressure measurement: importance of 24-hour control.
RCSI Overseas Scientific Meeting. University of Natal. Durban South Africa. 18th March 1998.
O’Brien E. A University of Diversity
Department of Medicine. University of Pretoria. South Africa.
O’Brien E. Ambulatory blood pressure measurement: importance of 24-hour control.
O’Brien E. The PROGRESS Study
RCSI Annual Research Day, RCSI, Dublin. 15th April 1998.
Owens P, Lyons S, O’Brien E. Ambulatory blood pressure in the hypertensive population: patterns and prevalence of hypertensive sub-forms
Fennesy F, Fitzgerald D, Bouchier-Hayes D, O’Brien E. A new approach to arterial disease management: the ADAPT Clinic
Symposium: ‘The diversities of cardiovascular medicine’. Dublin. 25th April 1998.
O’Brien E. Chairman.
Hypertension: Trends, Trials and Total Risk. Lisbon. Portugal. 9 – 10th May 1998.
Debate: The house believes white coat hypertension is an important cause of unnecessary treatment
O’Brien E and Haegerty T v Ramsay L and McInnes G
Thirteenth Scientific Meeting of the American Society of Hypertension. New York. 13-16th May 1998.
O’Brien E. Chairman: Clinical value of ambulatory and exercise blood pressure monitoring.
O’Brien E. Chairman: Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring. Poster Presentations
Rodriguez SA, Owens P, Lyons S, Kroon AA, de Leeuw PW, O’Brien ET. Nocturnal blood pressure decline as a predictor for cardiac and renal damage in hypertension.
Dahlof B, Sever PS, Poulter N, Wedel H on behalf of the ASCOT Steering Committee. The Anglo-Scandinavian Cardiac outcomes Trial (ASCOT).
International Congress on Holter and Non-invasive Electrocardiology. Ulm. Germany. 21-22nd May 1998
O’Brien E. State of the art: Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring.
O’Brien E. Chairman: Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring.
Second Symposium on Continuous Finger Arterial Blood pressure Measurement. Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam. 6th June 1998.
O’Brien E. Refinements of the BHS Protocol.
International Society of Hypertension. 17th Scientific Meeting. Amsterdam 7-11th June 1998.
O’Brien E. Chairman. Clinical value of Ambulatory and Exercise Blood pressure Monitoring
O’Brien E. Chairman. Blood Pressure Measurement and Debate: White coat hypertension: How clinically relevant is it?
Poster Presentations
Rodriguez , S, Kroon AA, Atkins N, Owens P, de Leeuw PW, O’Brien ET. Family history of hypertension is not associated with increased blood pressure variability.
Rodriguez , S, Kroon AA, Lyons S, Owens P, de Leeuw PW, O’Brien ET. Value of ambulatory blood pressure monitoring to ascertain treatment-resistant hypertension.
Atkins N, O’Brien E. DABL97 – A computer program for the assessment of blood pressure, risk factors and cardiovascular target organ involvement in hypertension.
Owens P, Lyons S, O’Brien E. Ambulatory blood pressure in the hypertensive population: patterns and prevalence of hypertensive sub-forms.
Atkins N, O’Malley S, Duggan J, O’Brien E. Comparison of the diagnosis and management of hypertension when blood pressure is measured in the clinic, home or by ambulatory blood pressure.
Forette F, Seux ML, Thijs L, Staessen J on behalf of the Syst-Eur Investigators. Antihypertensive treatment and prevention of dementia in older patients with isolated systolic hypertension: The Syst-Eur results.
Staessen J, Fagard R, Thijs L, Celis H for the Syst-Eur Trial Investigators. Subgroup and per-protocol analysis of the European trial on isolated systolic hypertension in the elderly.
Xxth Congress of the European Society of Cardiology, Vienna, Austria. 22nd August, 1998
Forette F, Seux ML, Thijs L, Staessen J on behalf of the SYST-EUR Investigators. Prevention of dementia in older patients with isolated systolic hypertension: results from the Systolic Hypertension in Europe (SYST-EUR) trial.
Annual Scientific Meeting of the British Hypertension Society. Keble College. University of Oxford. 14-16th September 1998.
Atkins N, Keary L, O’Brien E. Terminal digit preference and heaping in blood pressure measurement.
Owens P, Lyons S, O’Brien E. Ambulatory blood pressure hypertensive sub-forms predict differential outcomes for left ventricular mass.
Wingfield D, Bulpitt C, Fletcher A, Thijs L, Staessen J. The reduction of terminal digit preference with quality control visits in the SYST-EUR trial.
Irish Gerontological Society. Dublin. 25 – 26th September 1998.
O’Sullivan C, Duggan J, O’Brien E. Do the very elderly tolerate high blood pressure?
British Geriatrics Society. London. 9th October 1998.
O’Sullivan C, Duggan J, Lyons S, O’Brien E. Do the very elderly tolerate high blood pressure?
Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt. 17th November 1998
O’Brien E. When is high blood pressure hypertension?
Hypertension Update X. Moat House Hotel. Stratford-upon-Avon. 26th – 28th November 1998
O’Brien E. Chairman: Which drugs for first line therapy? The case for and against….
Irish College of General Practitioners. Dun Laoghaire Faculty. 19th January 1999.
O’Brien E. Recent Advances in the Diagnosis of Hypertension
RCSI Annual Research Day. RCSI. Dublin. 7th April 1999.
G. Mansfield, P. Owens, N. Atkins, E. O’Brien. What is the importance of Inter-arm differences in blood pressure?
American Society of Hypertension. 14th Scientific Meeting. New York. 19th – 22nd May 1999.
O’Brien E. The ADAPT (Arterial Disease Assessment Prevention & Treatment) Clinic: Concentrating on the Arterial Tree Rather Thann the Target Organ. Invited Lecture to session: New Predictors of Risk. “1st May 1998
Atkins N, O’Brien E. Towards a simpler and common protocol for the validation of blood pressure measuring devices. Poster Presentation.
The First Consensus Conference on Self-Blood Pressure Measurement. Versailles. France Societe Française d’Hypertension Arterielle Filiale de la Societe Française de Cardiologie. 4th June 1999.
O’Brien E. Devices and Validation.
Ninth European Meeting on Hypertension. University of Milan. 11-15th June 1999.
Owens P, O’Brien E, Lyons S. Prevalence of low blood pressure in a normal populationusing ambulatory blood pressure monitoring. Oral presentation.
Owens P, O’Brien E. Hypotension in patients with coronary heart disease: can profound hypotensive events cause myocardial ischaemic events?. Oral presentation.
G. Mansfield, P. Owens, N. Atkins, E. O’Brien. What is the importance of Inter-arm differences in blood pressure? Poster presentation.
Working Group on Blood Pressure Monitoring. Ninth European Meeting on Hypertension. University of Milan. 11-15th June 1999.
Workshop at ESH. Chairman: E. O’Brien
Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand (CSANZ). Annual Scientific Meeting. Wellington. New Zealand. 7-11 August 1999
O’Brien E. Gaston Bauer Lecture: When is higb blood pressure hypertension?
Plenary Session: History of Cardiovascular Medicine.
O’Brien E. From Wit and Humour to the Heart in Irish Medicine
ASCOT Educational Seminar. Dublin. 10th September 1999.
O’Brien E. Ambulatory blood pressure measurement.
Symposium on Contempory Issues in Cardiovascular Disease. National Museum. Dublin. Dublin. 11th September 1999.
O’Brien E. Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring: what’s new?
British Hypertension Society Scientific Meeting. University of Strathclyde. Glasgow. 13-15th September 1999.
Atkins N, O’Brien E. Towards a simpler and common protocol for the validation of blood pressure measuring devices.
SCOT Educational Seminar, Dublin. 17th September 1999.
O’Brien E. Ambulatory blood pressure measurement.
The Leuven Consensus Conference on Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring, Leuven. 23-25th Sept 1999
O’Brien E. Chairman. Task Force I: Methodological Aspects.
O’Brien E. Task Force I: Methodological Aspects. Methods of analysis
O’Brien E. Task Force II. Population Studies: Experience form the AIB Study
The arterial tree: the prime target organ. Dublin. 16th October 1999.
Chairman: E. O’Brien
O’Brien E. Unifying arterial management: the ADAPT Clinic
Austrian Society of Hypertension. Scientific Meeting. Falagenfurt. Austria. 12th November 1999.
O’Brien E. Advances in validation methodology.
Hypertension – An Old Challenge for the New Millennium. Dublin. 26th November 1999.
O’Brien E. A century of poor blood pressure control.
Norwegian Society of Nephrology. London. UK. 10th December 1999
O’Brien E. Can we live without ABPM?
Hypertension: New pathways ot 24-hour control. Cardiff. 4th March 2000
O’Brien E. The importance of 24-hour control and beyond.
Tenth European Meeting on Hypertension. Goteborg, Sweden. 29th May – 3rd June, 2000
O’Brien E and Kjeldsen S.E. Chairmen. Topical Workshop: Prognostic value of home blood pressure measurements.
O’Brien E. “Should home blood pressure measurements be discarded in favour of 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure measurement? Is the prognostic evidence more solid than for home blood pressure?”
O’Brien E. “Can we build a risk edifice without a threshold foundation”.
O’Brien E. “Blood pressure measurement.”
Hypertension 2000. Athens. Greece. 6 – 7th October 2000.
O’Brien E. Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring: clinical applications.
Irish Angiology Society Meeting. Dublin. 23rd –25th November 2000.
O’Brien E. ADAPT Clinic.
10th Blood Pressure Monitoring Symposium and 8th Congress of the Hungarian Society of Hypertension. Budapest, 16 December 2000
O’Brien E. ABPM: ABPM: a fin de siécle appraisal
Workshop for visiting Dutch Cardiologists to Beaumont Hospital, RCSI Research Building, Beaumont Hospital. 4th January 2001.
O’Brien E, Stanton A. Computerised management of cardiovascular patients using the DABL Program: improving the design and delivery of health care in hospital out-patients and primary care.
Scientific Symposium. Lauswolt. The Netherlands. 18th January 2001
O’Brien E. Computerised cardiovascualr risk mangement.
Scientific Symposium. Rotterdam. The Netherlands. 25th January 2001
O’Brien E. Computerised cardiovascualr risk mangement.
Merrion Faculty of General practitioners. Dublin. 13th February 2001
O’Brien E. Blood Pressure Measurement and beyond.
General Practitioner Symposium. Wicklow. 25th April 2001
O’Brien E. Blood Pressure Measurement and beyond.
Eleventh European Meeting on Hypertension. Milan. 15 – 18th June 2001
Workshop: Ambulatory Blood Pressure: How should data be analyzed? Chairman: E. O’Brien.
O’Brien E. Plotting and reporting data.
Plenary Session: Blood Pressure Measurement. Chairman: E. O’Brien
Scientific Seminar: What’s new in blood pressure measurement? Chairman: E. O’Brien
O’Brien E. State of the market for blood pressure measuring devices
Asmar RG, London GM, O’Rourke ME, Safar ME. Compared effects on arterial stiffness of very-low-dose perindopril/indapamide combination and atenolol in hypertensive patients. The REASON Project. Poster presentation.
Duke Clinical Research Centre and FDA Advisory Meeting. Washington. 20-21st July. 2001
O’Brien E. Ambulatory devices; validation and use.
Third Annual Beaumont Hospital Renal Transplant/Nephrology Study Day. Dublin. 7th September. 2001
O’Brien E. Cardiovascular risk factor management.
Clinical Research Course. Clinical Research Centre. Beaumont Hospital. Dublin. 25th October 2001
O’Brien E. Can clinical empiricism motivate medical research?
The Eighth International Consensus Conference on Blood Pressure Monitoring. European Society of Hypertension Working Group on Blood Pressure Monitoring. Chairman: E. O’Brien). Sendai. Japan. 28th October – 1st November. 2001
O’Brien E. Validation Up-date.
O’Brien E. State of the market for blood pressure measuring devices.
O’Brien E. Has conventional sphygmomanometry ended with the banning of mercury?
Healthcare Informatics Informatics Society of Ireland. 6th Annual Conference and Scientific Symposium. Dublin. 15th November 2001
O’Brien E. DABL™ Cardiovascular: a computer program for the management of cardiovascular disease.
PROGRESS Study: stroke prevention and treatment. Symposium. Dublin. 16th November 2001
O’Brien E. Chairman
McCormack P. Stroke Prevention.
Moroney J. Acute Ischaemic Stroke: Advances in Management
Irish Heart Foundation Council on High Blood Pressure. Up-date Symposium. Management of Hypertension. Dublin. 23rd November 2001
Stanton A. How should we measure blood pressure?
O’Brien E. The multifactorial risk factor approach.
Belgian Society of Cardiology. Brussels. 31st Janaury – 2nd February 2002.
Den Hond E, Celis H, Fagard R, Giot C, Leeman E, O’Brien E, Vandenhoven G, Staessen JA, on behalf of the THOP investigators. Comparison of conventional and automated blood pressure measurements: interim analysis of the THOP trial.
Paediatric Nephrology and Urology Week. Institute of Child Health. Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children. 28th February 2002.
O’Brien E. What are we going to do without mercury?
British Surgical Society. Annual Scientific Meeting. Dublin 22nd May 2002
O’Brien E. Invited Lecture: Let humour be thine Medicine
17th Scientific Meeting of the American Society of Hypertension. New York, 14 – 18th May 2002.
Special Debate: Is it time to eliminate the mercury sphygmomanometer?
Chairman: E. O’Brien
O’Brien E. Invited Introductory Lecture: A brief history of a great device.
Oral presentation: Celis H, Staessen JA, Thijs L, Buntinx F, Den Hond E, Fagard RH and O’Brien ET. Self-measurement of blood pressure as alternative to ambulatory monitoring for diagnosis of white coat hypertension.
19th Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Hypertension and Twelfth European Meeting on Hypertension, Prague, Czech Republic. 23 – 27th June 2002
Oral presentations
Satellite Symposium: Hypertension: From treatment to optimal therapy
O’Brien E. The right blood pressure measurement
Satellite Symposium. New technologies in Blood Pressure Measurement and Control
O’Brien E. How will we measure blood pressure after mercury is banned?
Teaching Sessions. Management of hypertension in special categories
O’Brien E. Hypertension in elderly patients
Poster Guided Tours
O’Brien E. Blood Pressure Measurement and Monitoring
Breakfast Topical Workshops. Hypertension Management: How can blood pressure control be assessed? Chairman: E. O’Brien.
O’Brien E. The role of conventional blood pressure measurement in assessing blood pressure control.
Plenary Session
Celis H, Staessen JA, Thijs L, Buntinx F, Den Hond E, Fagard RH and O’Brien ET, on behalf of the Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring and Treatment of Hypertension (APTH) trial investigators. Cardiovascular risk in white-coat and sustained hypertensive patients.
ESH Working Group on Blood Pressure Monitoring Scientific Seminar: Developments in Blood Pressure Measurement. Chairman: E. O’Brien
O’Brien E. Is the mercury sphygmomanometer definitely doomed?
O’Brien E. ST-segment abnormalities related to left ventricular size
Poster presentations
Staessen JA, Thijs L, O’Brien E, Bulpitt CJ, deLeeuw PW, Fagard R, Nachev C, Palatini P, Parati G, Tuomilehto J, Webster J, Safar ME for Syst-Eur. Ambulartoy blood pressure – not mean pressure determines outcome in older patients with systolic hypertension.
DeLuca N, Safar ME on behalf of the International Coordination Group Asmar R, Battegay E, Benetos A, De Leeuw P, Duprez D, Fitzgerald D, Hedner T, Hitzenberger G, London G, Mallion JM, O’Brien E, Olivier JP, O’Rourke MF, Polonia J, Rahn KH, Romero R, Sever P, Tomarco B.
Den Hond E, Celis H, Fagard R, Giot C, Keary L, Leeman M, O’Brien ET, Vandenhoven G, Staessen JA. Comparison of conventional and automated blood pressure measurements: interim analysis of the THOP Trial.
Stojanovic M, Stanton A, Lyons S, Atkins N and O’Brien ET. Patterns of age-related changes in ambulatory blood pressure parameters: Phase II of the Allied Irish Bank Study.
Celis H, Staessen JA, Thijs L, Buntinx F,De Buyzere M, Den Hond E, Fagard RH and O’Brien ET. Cardiovascular risk in white-coat and sustained hypertensive patients.
MacMahon S on behalf of the PROGRESS Collaborative Group. PROGRESS Global Results.
Tzourio C, Anderson C, Chapman N, Woodward M, Neal B, MacMahon S, Chalmers J on behalf of the PROGRESS Collaborative Group. PROGRESS in dementia and cognitive function in stroke patients.
Chalmers J on behalf of the PROGRESS Collaborative Group. Th PROGRESS results: comments and perspectives.
Donman JA for the PROGRESS Management Committee. PROGRESS Results: Implementation in Stroke Guidelines.
Pringle EM, Phillips C, Thijs L, Davidson C, Parati G, Webster J, O’Brien E, Staessen JA. Night time systolic blood pressure variability as a risk factor for stroke.
WHO Meeting on “Reduction of Cardiovascular Burden through Cost-effective Integrated Management of Cardiovascular Risk: Addressing Hypertension, Smoking cessation and diabetes.” WHO Headquarters. Geneva. Switzerland. 9-12th July 2002
O’Brien E.Choice of blood pressure measuring device in developing countries
Hypertension and Quality of Life: Just what the patient ordered. Cork. 12th September 2002
O’Brien E. Inaccurate blood pressure measurement leads to inappropriate management.
Hypertension and Quality of Life: Just what the patient ordered. Dublin. 17th September 2002
O’Brien E. Inaccurate blood pressure measurement leads to inappropriate management.
Healthcare Informatics Society of Ireland. 7th Annual Conference and Scientific Symposium. Dublin. 14th November 2002.
O’Brien E. Computerised management of cardiovascular illness; the dabÒ approach
Irish Angiology Society Meeting. Belfast. 30th November 2002
Poster presentations
Stanton A, Ghiuzeli C, Chapman N, HughesA, Thom S. Human retinal arteriolar dilatation occurs with blood pressure lowering with amlodipine but not with lisinopril.
Stojanovic M, Lyons S, Atkins N, O’Brien ET, Stanton A. Patterns of age-related changes in ambulatory blood pressure parameters: Phase II of the Allied Irish Bank Study.
Stanton A, Neussberger J, Jensen C, O’Brien E. Dose response antihypertensive efficacy of Aliskiren (SPP 100), a new orally active rennin inhibitor.
Maastricht Hospital, Maastricht, The Netherlands. 9th December 2002.
O’Brien E. Invited Lecture. How can risk factor management be improved..
University of Leuven, Louvain, Belgium. 10th December 2002
O’Brien E. Invited Lecture. Advances in Ambulatory Blood Pressure Measurement.
Council on High Blood Pressure of the Irish Heart Foundation. Symposium: Management of Hypertension: Do changes in diet and lifestyle work? Cork. 17th January 2003
Statnon A. Chairman.
O’Brien E. Blood pressure measurement and assessment of the hypertensive patient.
Symposium: Hypertension and quality of Life: just what the patient ordered. Galway. 22nd January 2003
O’Brien E. Inaccurate blood pressure measurement leads to inappropriate managemnt.
Symposium: Hypertension and quality of Life: just what the patient ordered. Kilkenny. 12th February 2003
O’Brien E. Inaccurate blood pressure measurement leads to inappropriate managemnt.
South African Society of Hypertension. Durban. 14 – 18th March 2003
O’Brien E. Advances in BP measurement and white coat hypertension.
O’Brien E. Comprehensive guideline on blood pressure measurement. European Society Guidelines
American College of Cardiology. Chicago. 31st March 2003
Sever P on behalf of the Steering Committee. The Anglo-Scandinavian Cardiac Outocmes Trial: Morbidity-Mortality Outcome from Lipid-Lowering in a Hypertensive Population.
Lipitor National Faculty Speaker Meeting, Texas, USA, April 2003.
Stanton A. “Statins in the Prevention of Cardiovascular Events – Implications of Recently Reported Endpoint Trials.”
Heartwise Annual Cardiovascular Symposium. Kilkenny. 11th – 12th April 2003
O’Brien E. Chairman
O’Brien E. When is high blood pressure hypertension?
Blood Pressure Measurement in clinical Practice: a Collaborative Meting on Clinical Requirements v Manufacturing Capabilities. Paris. France. 28th April 2003
Chairman: E. O’Brien
O’Brien E. Is there a future for the mercury sphygmomanometer?
O’Brien E. A wesite for blood pressure measuring devices.
Pfizer Annual Presentation on Cardiovascular Disease. K-Club. Kildare.
O’Brien E. The ASCOT Trial: Implications for Clinical Practice.
Irish Cardiac Society Cardiology Up-date. Erne Hospital. The Ardhowen Theatre. Enniskillen, Co. Fermanagh. 6th June 2003.
O’Brien E. Ambulatory BP Monitoring is Mandatory in 21st Century Practice?
Thirteenth Europen Meeting on Hypertension. Congressi Center, Fiera, Milan. June, 13th to 17th.
J.A. Staessen, E. Den Hond, H. Celis, R. Fagard, G. Vandenhoven, E.T. O’Brien, on behalf of the THOP Investigators. Antihypertensive treatment based on conventional or home blood pressure measurement – THOP trial.
Milos Stojanovic, Simon Lyons, Neil Atkins, Eoin O’Brien, Jan Staessen & Alice Stanton. Clinic pressures undrestimate daytime ambulatory blood pressure (ABPM) in young and overestimate daytime ABPM in middle-aged subjects. The Allied Irish Bank Study.
Dolan E, O’Brien E, Stanton A, Atkins N, McClory S, etc. The dabl database: methodology
Atorvastatin Investigators Meeting. Dublin. 20th September 2003.
O’Brien E. ASCOT Sub-studies
European Council of Cardiovascular Research, Seeheim, Germany. October 10-12th 2003.
Moore N, Stojanovic M, Lyons S, O’Brien E, O’Brien J, Stanton A. A newly discovered polymorphism in the renin gene enhancer region is associated with elevated ambulatory BP levels in a large community population.
Eurostage Clinical Cardiovascular Genetics Meeting, Dublin, Ireland, October 2003.
Stanton A. Why have Genetic Studies of the Renin Angiotensin System been Disappointing?
Servier Symposium. EUROPA. Dublin. 22nd October 2003.
O’Brien. E. Chairman
Healthcare Informatics Society of Ireland. 8th Annual Conference and Scirntific Symposium. Dublin. 12t – 15th November 2003
O’Brien E. A shared care approach to the management of cardiovascular disease: the RHASP project (Reduction of Heart Attack and Stroke through Prevention): A Cardiovascualr Strategy Initiative.
O’Neill G. Computerised management of an anticoagulant clinic using dabl Anticoagulant.
Grogan L. The use of ABPM in clinical practice could be greatly facilitated by two developments: Standardisation and Physician Assisted Interpretative Reports.
Fourth Angiology Society Congress. Strand House Hotel, The Curragh. Ireland. 28th – 29th November 2003
Moore N, Stojanovic M, Lyons S, O’Brien E, Shields D, O’Brien J, Stanton A. A newly discovered polymorphism in the renin gene enhancer region is associated with elevated ambulatory BP levels in a large community population
Ho E, Rooney C, Harhen B, Sever P, Hughes A, Thom S, Poulter N, Mayet J, O’Brien E, Fitzgerald DJ, Stanton A .Effect of Aspirin and Atorvastatin on Thromboxane Formation in a Large Cohort of Hypertensive Patients with Normal to Mildly Raised Cholesterol.
Al Aloul B, Fulton A, Ch’ng E, Witt N, Thom S, Hughes A, O’Brien E, Stanton A. Acute effects of hyperoxia, hypoxia and hypercarbia on retinal arteriolar and venular diameters.
Treating to Target. Anglo-Irish Meeting. Dublin. 28th – 30th November 2003
O’Brien E. When is high blood pressure hypertension?
Hypertension in Europe – Unity in Diversity. Irish-German Meeting.Dublin. 6th December 2003.
O’Brien E. When is high blood pressure hypertension?
Galway General Practice Symposium. Raddison Hotel. Galway. 14th January 2004.
O’Brien E. How can 24 hour blood pressure control be achieved?
Cork General Practice Symposium. Fota House. Cork. 15th January 2004.
O’Brien E. How can 24 hour blood pressure control be achieved?
Dublin General Practice Symposium. Dublin. 22nd January 2004.
O’Brien E. How can 24 hour blood pressure control be achieved?
Scientific Meeting. The Great Debate. RDS. Dublin. 29th January 2004.
ACE inhibitors are obsolete! For the motion: E. O’Brien. Against the motion: H. McCann
Centre for International Health & Cooperation. International Diploma in Huamanitarian Affairs Course. Geneva University. Switzerland. 30th January 2004
O’Brien E. The global burden of cardiovascular disease.
20th Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Hypertension, Brazil. 15-19th February 2004
O’Brien E. Is ABPM indispensable for good clinical practice? Breakfast Workshop: Clinical utility of ambulatory and home blood pressure monitoring in the management of hypertension.
Ho E, Rooney Cm, Harhen B, Sever P, Hughes A, Thom S, Fitzgerald D, Stanton A. Doubling of isoprostane formation in a large cohort of hypertensive patients despite optimal medical management. Poster presentation.
Dolan E, Atkins N, McClory S, Hinedi K, Stanton A, McCormack P, Staessen J, Thijs L, O’Brien E. A protocol for ascertaining mortality outcome in the absence of a national identifier or common fields. Poster presentation.
Moore N, Stojanovic M, Lyons S, O’Brien E, O’Brien J, Stanton A. A newly discovered polymorphisim in the rennin gene enhancer region is associated with elevated ambulatory BP levels in a large community population. Poster presentation.
Al Aloud B, Fulton A, Ch ng E, O’Brien E, Stanton A. Acute effects of hyperoxia and hypercapnia on retinal arteriolar and venular diameters. Poster presentation.
Kerry General Practice Symposium. Kilorglin. Co. Kerry. 5th March 2004
O’Brien E. How can 24 hour blood pressure control be achieved?
Rehabilitation Congress. RDS. Dublin. 14th May 2004
O’Brien E. Computerised management of cardiovascular risk: ADAPT and RHASP.
Diverity in Unity. Irish/German Symposium Dublin. 15th May 2004
O’Brien E. When is high blood pressure hypertension?.
Mallow General Practice Symposium. Mallow. Co. Cork. 28th May 2004
O’Brien E. How can 24 hour blood pressure control be achieved?
WHO Fifth International Heart Health Conference Positioning Technology to Serve Global Heart Health Meeting. Milan. 14th June 2004
O’Brien E. Technical Specifications for Blood Pressure Measuring Devices and Interaction with Private Sector.
Fourteenth European Meeting on Hypertension. Palais des Congres. Paris. France. 13-17th June 2004
Breakfast Workshop, Blood Pressure measurement.. Chirmen: E. O’Brien & G. Stergiou
O’Brien E. Do we need diastolic pressure?
European Society of Hypertension Working Group on Blood Pressure Measurement Scientific Workshop: What’s new in Blood Pressure Measurement?
O’Brien E. Bringing ABPM directly to primary care
Dolan E. The Dublin dabl database
Diverity in Unity. Irish/German Symposium Dublin. 26th June 2004
O’Brien E. When is high blood pressure hypertension?.
Mayo Clinic Alumni Association International Educational Meeting. Adare Manor. 10th September 2004
O’Brien E. Let humour be thine medicine.
British Hypertension Society. Cambridge. 13 – 15th September 2004
Dolan E, Stanton A, Hinedi K, Atkins N, McClory S, Sharif S, Den Hond E,Thijs L, McCormack P,Staessen J O’Brien E. . Prediction of cardiovascular mortality by ambulatory blood pressure monitoring: The Dublin mortality outcome study
Ho E, Rooney C, Harhen B, Sever P, Hughes A,Thom S, O’Brien E.Fitzgerald D,Stanton A. Atherosclerotic Burden and Oxidative Stress Contributes to Incomplete Response to Aspirin in Hypertensive Patients
Moore N, Stojanovic, M, Lyons S, Conroy R, Brien E, Shields D, O’Brien J, Stanton A. Association between a single nucleotide polymorphism in the distal enhancer region of the rennin gene and BP level in a healthy community dwelling population.
Athlone General Practice Symposium. Athlone. Co. Galway. 16th September 2004
O’Brien E. How can 24 hour blood pressure control be achieved?
27th World Congress International Medicine, Granada. Spain. 27th September 2004
O’Brien E. Rationale for a new approach in treating hypertension.
Joint Meeting of the Irish Heart Foundation Council on High Blood Pressure & The Belgian Hypertension Society. RDS. Dublin. 15 – 16th October 2004
O’Brien E. Keynote address: Why ambulatory blood pressure measurement is now indispensable to clinical practice.
Dolan E, Stanton A, Hinedi K, Atkins N, McClory S, Sharif S, Den Hond E,Thijs L, McCormack P,Staessen J O’Brien E. Prediction of cardiovascular mortality by ambulatory blood pressure monitoring: The Dublin mortality outcome study
Moore N, Stojanovic, M, Lyons S, Conroy R, Brien E, Shields D, O’Brien J, Stanton A. Association between a single nucleotide polymorphism in the distal enhancer region of the rennin gene and BP level in a healthy community dwelling population.
Ho E, Rooney C, Harhen B, Sever P, Hughes A,Thom S, O’Brien E.Fitzgerald D,Stanton A. Atherosclerotic Burden and Oxidative Stress Contributes to Incomplete Response to Aspirin in Hypertensive Patients
Dolan C, Shields D, Stanton A, O’Brien E, Lambert DM, Treacy EP. Polymorphisms of the Flavin Containing monooxygenase 3 (FMO3) do not predispose to Essential Hypertension in Caucasians.
Diverity in Unity. Irish/German Symposium Dublin. 16th October 2004
O’Brien E. When is high blood pressure hypertension?.
2nd All Ireland Health Promotion Conference. Enniskillen. Co. Fermanagh. 20th October 2004
O’Brien E. Computerised management of an anticoagulant clinic using the dabl Abticoagulant Program.
University of Florence. Florence. Tuscany, Italy. 2nd November 2004
O’Brien E. Initiatives to manage the growing epidemic of cardiovascular disease.
Healthcare Informatics Society of Ireland. 8th Annual Conference and Scientific Symposium. Dublin. 15th November 2004
O’Brien E. A shared care approach to the management of cardiovascular disease: the RHASP project (Reduction of Heart Attack and Stroke through Prevention): A Cardiovascualr Strategy Initiative.
Dublin Molecular Medicine Course. RCSI. Dublin. 19th November 2004.
O’Brien. E. A multifactorial approach to risk factor management in cardiovascular disease.
General Practice Symposium. Raising the Standard in Blood Pressure Measurement. Osprey Hotel. Naas. 15th January 2005.
O’Brien E. Clinical case studies in ABPM
O’Brien E. When is high blood pressure hypertension?
General Practice Symposium. Raising the Standard in Blood Pressure Measurement. Dunraven Arms Hotel, Adare, Co. Limerick. 16th April 2005.
Dolan E. A user’s perspective: Interpretation of ABPM reports and clinical case studies.
O’Brien E. When is high blood pressure hypertension?
15th European Meeting on Hypertension. Milan. Italy. 17th – 21st June 2005
Breakfast Workshop. 20th June 2005. Self vs Amvulatory Blood Pressure in Clinical Practice. Chairman: Eoin O’Brien
O’Brien E. Which measurement is best in clinical practice?
Scientific Workshop: 18th June 2005. From measurement to profiles, phenomena and indices
Chairman: Eoin O’Brien
Dolan E. AASI: rationale and methodology
Dolan E. Thijs L, Li Y, Atkins N. McCormack P, O’Brien E, Staessen JA, Stanton A. Cardiovascular mortality in relation to the ambulatory arterial stiffness index (AASI): a novel measure of arterial stiffness
Tripartate Colorectal Meeting, Royal Dublin Society. Dublin. 7th July 2005.
O’Brien E. Let humour be thine medicine!
European Society of Cardiology Meeting. Stockholm. Sweden. 5th September 2005.
O’Brien E. Do we need nighttime blood pressure?
Dolan E. Thijs L, Li Y, Atkins N. McCormack P, O’Brien E, Staessen JA, Stanton A. Ambulatory arterial stiffness index (AASI), a novel measure of arterial stiffness, provides additional prediction of cardiovascular mortality. Poster presentation.
Li Y, Wang J-G, Dolan E, Gao P-J, Guo H-F, Nawrot T, Stanton AV, Zhu D-L, O’Brien E, Staessen JA. Ambulatory arterial stiffness index derived from 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring. Poster presentation.
British Hypertension Society Scientific Meeting. Cambridge. UK. 13-14th September 2005.
Dolan E, Stanton A, Thijs L, Atkins N, McCormack P, Staessen JA, O’Brien ET. Prognostic significance of the nocturnal decline in systolic blood pressure: Dublin mortality outcome study.
Tapp R, Sharp A, Chaturvedi N, Stanton A, Mayet J, Hughes AD, Thom S. Effects of blood pressure lowering with beta-blockerþdiuretic-based therapy and calcium antagonistþangiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor-based therapy on left ventricular diastolic function.
Dolan E, Stanton A, Thijs L, Atkins N, McCormack P, Staessen JA, O’Brien ET. Ambulatory heart rate predicts cardiovascular and non-cardiovascular mortality: Dublin mortality outcome study.
Poulter NR, Chang CL, Dahlof B, Sever PS, Wedel H for the ASCOT Investigors.The effect of doxazosin on blood pressure of subjects with treated but uncontrolled hypertension: evidence from the ASCOT trial.
Centre for International Health and Cooperation. International Diploms Course in Humanitarian Affairs. University of Cairo. Egypt. 11th September 2005.
O’Brien E. The global burden of cardiovascular disease.
Evolution of Medical Care in Ireland over the last 350 years. Royal College of Physicians. Dublin. 12th October 2005.
O’Brien E. Dominic Corrigan: A force beyond these shores.
American Heart Association Meeting. Dallas, Texas. Mexico. US. 14th November.2005.
O’Brien E, Stanton A, Jensen C, Nussberger J. Aliskiren, An Orally Effective Renin Inhibitor, Suppresses Plasma Renin Activity And Improves Blood Pressure Lowering In Combination With Irbesartan In Patients With Hypertension.
Williams B, Lacy P on behalf of the ASCOT CAFÉ investigators. Differential impact of blood pressure-lowering drugs on central arterial pressure influences clinical outcomes – principal results of the conduit artery function evaluation (CAFÉ) Study in ASCOT.