White coat hypertension
Parati G, Omboni S, Staessen J, Thijs L, Fagard R, Ulian L, Mancia G on behalf of the Syst-Eur Investigators. Limitations of the difference between clinic and daytime blood pressure as a surrogate measure of the ’white-coat’ effect. J Hypertens 1998;16:23-29.
O’Brien E. White coat hypertension: how should it be diagnosed? J Human Hyperten 1999;13:801-802
Post-prandial hypotension
Grodzicki T, Rajzer M, Fagard R, O’Brien ET, Thijs L, Clement D, Davidsonf C, Palatini P, Parati G, Kocemba J, Staessen JA on behalf of the Systolic Hypertension In Europe (SYST-EUR) Trial Investigators. Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring and post-prandial hypotension in elderly patients with isolated systolic hypertension. J Human Hypertens 1998;12:161-165