O’Brien E. Replacing the mercury sphygmomanometer. BMJ 2000;320;815-816
Staessen J, O’Brien E. Ambulatory Blood Pressure: Normality and Comparison With Other Measurements. Hypertension 2000;35;e8
O’Brien E on behalf of the BHS Working Party on Blood Pressure measurment. Of ambulatory blood pressure monitoring. BMJ 2000;321:894.
O’Brien E. Why do we use the Dinamap? Hypertension. 2000; 35;e26 June.
Staessen JA, Emelianov D, Tjijs L, Celis H, Clement D, Davidson C, Gasowski J, Gil-Extremero B, Fogari R, Jaaskivi M, Lehtonen A, Nedogoda S, O’Brien E, Palatini P, Parati G, Salvetti A, Vanhanen H, Webster J, Fagard R em nome dos investigadores do Estudo Syst-Eur. Mapa nos idosos. In Montorizacao Ambulatorial de Pressao Arterial. Um Guia Pratico. Eds: L.S.M. Pereira and R. Henriques. Revinter. Rio de Janeiro. 2000. pp. 97-112.
Lyons S, Owens P, Fennessey F, Atkins N, Ryan D, O’Brien E. Comparison of pusle wave velocity measurement using ‘Colson’ arterial distensibility Complier and the ‘PWV’ Sphygmocor Pusle Wave System. J Human Hypertens 200;14;277
Mayett J, Patel P, Starmans-Kool M, Chapman N, Hughes AD, Thom SAMcG, Stanton AV. Is carotid artery intima-media thickening a reliable marker of early atherosclerosis? Amer J Hypertens 2000;13:192A
Chapman JN, Witt N, Stanton AV, Gau X, Thom SA, Hughes AD. A comparison of manual and 3 automated methods of determining retinal arteriolar diameters. Amer J Hypertens 2000;13:192A
Stanton AV, Chapman JN, Mayett J, Sever PS, Poulter NR, Hughes AD, Thom SA. Regression of intima media thickness and intima media area with blood pressure lowering by calcium channel blockade and angiotensin converting enzyme inhibition. Amer J Hypertens 2000;13:206A
Mayett J, Chapman JN, Hughes AD, Thom SAMcG, Stanton AV. Why do Afro-Caribbeans have a low incidence of ischaemic heart disease? Amer J Hypertens 2000;13:258A.
Spiering W, Rodriguez S, Atkins N, O’Brien E, de Leeuw. Association between dirnal blood pressure and angitensin-converting enzyme insertion/deletion polymorphism. J Hypertens 2000;18 (Suppl 4): S178.
Spiering W, Rodriguez Hernandez S, Kroon AA, Zwaan IM, Atkins N, Daemen E, O’Brien E, de Leeuw. Association between dirnal blood pressure and angitensin-converting enzyme insertion/deletion polymorphism. J Hypertens 2000;18 (Suppl 2): S146.
Voyaki S, Staessen J, Thijs L, Eistratopoulos A, Wang J, Birkenhager W, de Leeuw P, Rodicio J, Fagard R for the Systolic Hypertension in Europe (Syst-Eur) Trial investigators. J Hypertens 2000;18 (Suppl 2): S85.
O’Sullivan C, Duggan J, Lyons S, Thornton J, Lee M, O’Brien E. Hypertensive target organ damage in the very elderly. J Hypertens 2000;18 (Suppl 2): S51
General and educational
O’Brien E. White coat hypertension. Modern Medicine of Ireland. June 1999.23-28
O’Brien E. The ADAPTCentre at Beaumont Hospital. HeartWise 2000;3:16-20.
Houston M. We’re not identifying the hearts to watch. Irish Times 4.12.2000. p. 10
O’Brien E. The reality of the unreal. Beckett’s Ireland. Localmotives er et nettmagasin for samtidskunst og –kultur. Pinapple Publishing. www.localmotives.com. 21.12.2000
O’Brien E. Validation Up-date. Blood Press Monit 2001;6:275-280
Thijs L, O’Brien ET, Staessen JA for the Systolic Hypertension in Europe (Syst-Eur) Trial Investigators. Ambulatory and conventional pulse pressures and mean pressures as determinants of the Sokolow-Lyon ECG voltage index in older patients with systolic hypertension. Blood Press Monit 2001;6:197-202
Celis H, Thijs L, Staessen JA, Birkenhager WH, Bulpitt CJ, de Leeuw PW, Leonetti G, Nachev C, Tuomilehto J, Fagard RH for the Syst-Eur investigators. Interaction between nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug intake and calcium-channel blocker-based antihypertensive treatment in the Syst-Eur trial. J Human Hypertens 2001;15:613-618
Asmar RG, London GM, O’Rourke M, Safar M for the REASON Project coordinators and investigators. Improvement in Blood Pressure, Arterial Stiffness asn Wave Reflections With a Very-Low-Dose Perindopril/Indapamide Combination in Hypertensive Patients: A Comparison With Atenolol. Hypertension 2001:38:922-926
Stanton AV, Chapman JN, Mayet J, Sever PS, Poulter NR, Hughes AD, Thom SA. Effects of blood pressure lowering with amlodipine or lisinopril on vascular structure of the common carotid artery. Clin Sci (Lond). 2001;101:455-64.
Chapman N, Witt N, Gao X, Bharath AA, Stanton AV, Thom SA, Hughes AD. Computer algorithms for the automated measurement of retinal arteriolar diameters. Br J Ophthalmol 2001;85:74-9.
O’Brien E. Blood pressure measurement is changing! Heart 2001;85:3-5
O’Brien E. Response to the Advisory Statement from the Council for High Blood
Pressure Research of the American Heart Association Advocating Retention of Mercury Sphygmomanometer. Hypertension 2001;38:e19-e20
O’Brien E.Blood pressure measurement. Authors’ reply. BMJ 2001;323:805-806
Book chapters
Staessen JA, Fagard RH, Thijs L, for Syst-Eur Onvestigators. The Systolic Hypertension in Europe Trial. In: Clinical Trials in Hypertension, Ed: Black HR, Marcel Dekker Inc., New
York, New York, USA, 2001, pp 313-356 (ISBN 0-8247-0270-0).
Fagard RH, Staessen JA, Thijs L, Bulpitt CJ. For EWPHE Investigators. The European Working Party on High Blood Pressure in the Elderly (EWPHE) Trial. In: Clinical Trials in
Hypertension, Ed: Black HR, Marcel Dekker Inc., New York, New York, USA, 2001,
pp 159-175 (ISBN 0-8247-0270-0).
O’Brien E. “Special blood pressure measuring devices”. In: Hypertension Manual. Ed. G. Mancia. Harcourt Brace & Co. Ltd. Pp173-184
Books and booklets
Beevers G, Lip GYH, O’Brien E. ABC of Hypertension. 4th Edition.2001. BMJ Books. London
Fagard R, Thijs L, Staessen JA on behalf of the Syst-Eur Trialists.A normal ambulatory blood pressure poorly predicts normalization of clinic pressure in hypertension. AJH 2001;14:21A.
Staessen JA, Thijs L, Celis H, Fagard R on behalf of the Syst-Eur Trialists. How well can blood pressure be controlled? Progress report on the Systolic Hypertension in Europe Follow-up Study (Syst-Eur 2). AJH 2001;14:176A
Fletcher AE, Bulpitt CJ, Tuomilehto J, Thijs L, Staessen JA, Brown J, Bossini A, Kawecka-Jascziz P, Livinen P. Terzoli L, Vanska LO, Vanhanen H. On behalf of the Syst-Eur Trial Investigators. Quality of life in treated elderly patients with isolated systolic hypertension: results from the Syst-Eur Trial. J Hypertens 2001;19 (Suppl 2):S16
Forette ML, Seux L, Thijs L, Birkenhager WH, Fagard R, Staessen JA, Tuomilehto J, Webster J, Yodfat Y. On behalf of the Syst-Eur Investigators. Antihypertensive treatment prevents dementia: new evidence from the the Systolic Hypertension in Europe (Syst-Eur) Study. J Hypertens 2001;19 (Suppl 2):S183
Staessen JA, Thijs L, Celis H, Fagard R on behalf of the Systolic Hypertension in Europe (Syst-Eur) Investigators. How well can blood pressure be controlled? Progress report on the Systolic Hypertension in Europe Follow-up Study (Syst-Eur 2). J Hypertens 2001;19 (Suppl 2):S103
Fagard R, Thijs L, Staessen JA on behalf of the Syst-Eur Trial Investigators. A normal ambulatory blood pressure poorly predicts normalization of clinic pressure in hypertension. J Hypertens 2001;19 (Suppl 2):S3
Beckett NS, Cooke JD, Fletcher AE, Bulpitt CJ. On behalf of the Hyvet Pilot Investigators. Number of patients achieving blood pressure targets in 12 months in the hypertension in the Very Elderly Trial (HYVET) Pilot. J Hypertens 2001;19 (Suppl 2):S103
Martinez-Perez ME, Hughes AD, Stanton AV, Thom SA, Chapman N, Bharath AA, Parker KH. Changes of retinal blood vessel tree topology in hypertension. (abstract) ASH poster presentation. Amer J Hypertens 2001.
General and educational
O’Brien E. Land mines. In Oxford Illustrated Companion to Medicine. Ed. S. Lock, J. Last and G. Dunea. Oxford University Press. 2001. pp.462-464
O’Brien E. A more holistic approach to cardiovascular disease. Forum 2001;18:46-48
O’Brien E. Holistic approach to hypertension. Nursing in the Community 2001;2:6-8
O’Brien E. Recent advances in ambulatory blood pressure measurement. Ir Med News 2001;May 28th.34
O’Brien E. Today’s role for ambulatory BP measurement. Prescriber 2001;12:95-104
O’Brien E. Hypertension Medicine. Edited by Michael A. Weber. Humana Press, Totowa, New Jersey. Pp. 461. Book Review. Ir J Clin Sci
O’Brien E. “Paint the smell of grass” Nevill Johnson (1911-1999). The Recorder. Journl of the American Irish Historical Society. 2001;14:61-70
O’Brien E. British Hypertension Recommendations on the Use and Interpretation of Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring: Clinical Indications. Part I. Journal by Fax. 2001
O’Brien E. British Hypertension Recommendations on the Use and Interpretation of Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring: Selecting a Monitoring Device. Part II. Journal by Fax. 2001
Scientific papers
O’Brien E. Has conventional sphygmomanometry ended with the banning of mercury? Blood Press Monit 2002;7:37-40
Kelly LA, Carroll P, McCormack P, O’Neill D.Timing of hospital presentation and delays in assessment in acute stroke. J Ir Coll Phys Surg 2002; 31: 73-76.
Starmans-Kool MJ, Stanton AV, Zhao S, Xu YX, Thom SAM, Hughes AD.Measurement of hemodynamics in human carotid artery using ultrasound and computational fluid dynamics. J Appl Physiol 2002; 92: 957-61.
O’Brien E. Recommendations for devices for measuring ambulatory blood pressure based on validation evidence. Nefrologia 2002;xxii (Suppl 3):3-6
Syst-Eur Trial Publications
Wingfield D, Cooke J, Thijs L, Staessen J, Fletcher A, Fagard R, Bulpitt CJ on behalf of the Syst-Eur Investigators. Terminal digit and single number preference in the Syst-Eur trial: influence of quality control. Blood Press Monit 2002;7:169-177
Staessen JA, Thijs L, O’Brien E, Bulpitt C, de Leeuw P, Fagard R, Nachev C, Palatini P, Parati G, Tuomilehto J, Webster J, Safar M.for the Syst-Eur Trial Investigators. Ambulatory Pulse Pressure as Predictor of Outcome in Older Patients With Systolic Hypertension. Am J Hypertens 2002;15:835-843
Palatini P, Thijs L, Staessen JA, Fagard R, Bulpitt CJ, Clement D, de Leeuw PW, Jääskivi M, Leonetti G, Nachev C, O’Brien ET, Parati G, Rodicio JL, Roman E, Sarti C, Tuomilehto J. Predictive value of clinic and ambulatory heart rate for mortality in elderly subjects with systolic hypertension. Arch Intern Med 2002;162:2313-21
Forette F, Seux ML, Staessen JA, Thijs L, Babarskiene MR, Babeanu S, Bossini A, Fagard R, Gil-Extremera B, Laks T, Kobalava Z, Sarti C, Tuomilehto J, Vanhanen H, Webster J, Yodfat Y, Birkenhager WH. The prevention of dementia with antihypertensive treatment: new evidence from the Systolic Hypertension in Europe (Syst-Eur) study. Arch Intern Med 2002;162:2046-52
De Leeuw PW, Thijs L, Birkenhager WH, Voyaki SM, Efstratopoulos AD, Fagard RH, Leonetti G, Nachev C, Petrie JC, Rodicio JL, Rosenfeld JJ, Sarti C, Staessen JA. Prognostic significance of renal function in elderly patients with isolated systolic hypertension: results from the Syst-Eur trial. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2002 ;13:2213-22
Staessen JA, Thijs L, Celis H, Gasowski J, Wang JG, Fagard RH. Dihydropyridine calcium-channel blockers for antihypertensive treatment in older patients–evidence from the Systolic Hypertension in Europe Trial. S Afr Med J 2001;91:1060-8
Thijs L, Staessen JA, Beleva S, Birkenhager WH, Bulpitt CJ, Celis H, Fletcher AE, Kermova R, Leonetti G, Laks T, Mantov S, Nachev C, Sarti C, Tuomilehto J, Fagard RH. How well can blood pressure be controlled? Progress report on the Systolic Hypertension in Europe Follow-Up Study (Syst-Eur 2). Curr Control Trials Cardiovasc Med 2001;2:298-306
Celis H, Thijs L, Staessen JA, Birkenhager WH, Bulpitt CJ, de Leeuw PW, Leonetti G, Nachev C, Tuomilehto J, Fagard RH. Interaction between nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug intake and calcium-channel blocker-based antihypertensive treatment in the Syst-Eur trial. J Hum Hypertens. 2001;15:613-8.
Book chapters
Staessen JA, Fagard R, Thijs L, Celis H, Arabidze GG, Babarskiene M-R, Babeanu S, Birkenhager W, Bulpitt C, de Leeuw P, Dollery CT, Fletcher A, Forette F, Kocemba J, Laks T, Leonetti G, Nachev C, O’Brien E, Petrie JC, Rodicio JL, Rosenfeld J, Tuomilehto J, Vanhanen H, Webster J, Yodfat Y, Zanchetti A for the Systolic-Hypertension in Europe (Syst-Eur) Trial Investigators. The Systolic Hypertension in Europe Trial. In: Clinical Trial Review of Hypertension Therapy. Ed.Henry Black. US. 2002.
Clement DL, De Buyzere M, DeBacquer D, De Leeuw P, Duprez DA, Fagard R, Gheeraert P, O’Brien E for the OvA Investigators. (Abstract) Am J Cardiol 2002;35 (Suppl A):243A
Staessen JA, Den Hond E, Celis H, Giot C, Keary L, Leeman M, O’Brien E, Vandenhoven G, Fagard R on behalf of the THOP investigators. Self-measurement of blood pressure as an alternative to ambulatory monitoring for the diagnosis of white coat hypertension. AJH 2002:15(Part 2 of 2);4A
Stanton A, Barton J, Jennsen C, Bobillier A, Mann J, O’Brien E. Dose response antihypertensive efficacy of aliskiren (SPP 100), an orally active rennin inhibitor. AJH 2002:15(Part 2 of 2);56A
Staessen JA, Thijs L, O’Brien E, Bulpitt CJ, deLeeuw PW, Fagard R, Nachev C, Palatini P, Parati G, Tuomilehto J, Webster J, Safar ME for Syst-Eur. Ambulartoy blood pressure – not mean pressure determines outcome in older patients with systolic hypertension. J Hypertens 2002:20(suppl 4);S74
Stanton A, Ghiuzeli C, Chapman N, Hughes A, Thom S. Human retinal arteriolar dilatation occurs with blood pressure lowering with amlodipine but not with lisinopril. J Hypertens 2002:20(suppl 4);S73
DeLuca N, Safar ME on behalf of the International Coordination Group Asmar R, Battegay E, Benetos A, De Leeuw P, Duprez D, Fitzgerald D, Hedner T, Hitzenberger G, London G, Mallion JM, O’Brien E, Olivier JP, O’Rourke MF, Polonia J, Rahn KH, Romero R, Sever P, Tomarco B. J Hypertens 2002:20(suppl 4);S164
Den Hond E, Celis H, Fagard R, Giot C, Keary L, Leeman M, O’Brien ET, Vandenhoven G, Staessen JA. Comparison of conventional and automated blood pressure measurements: interim analysis of the THOP Tial. J Hypertens 2002:20(suppl 4);S228
Stojanovic M, Stanton A, Lyons S, Atkins N and O’Brien ET. Patterns of age-related changes in ambulatory blood pressure parameters: Phase II of the Allied Irish Bank Study. J Hypertens 2002:20(suppl 4);S231
Celis H, Staessen JA, Thijs L, Buntinx F,De Buyzere M, Den Hond E, Fagard RH and O’Brien ET. Cardiovascular risk in white-coat and sustained hypertensive patients. J Hypertens 2002:20(suppl 4);S256
MacMahon S on behalf of the PROGRESS Collaborative Group. PROGRESS Global Results. J Hypertens 2002:20(suppl 4);S339
Tzourio C, Anderson C, Chapman N, Woodward M, Neal B, MacMahon S, Chalmers J on behalf of the PROGRESS Collaborative Group. PROGRESS in dementia and cognitive function in stroke patients. J Hypertens 2002:20(suppl 4);S339
Chalmers J on behalf of the PROGRESS Collaborative Group. Th PROGRESS results: comments and perspectives. J Hypertens 2002:20(suppl 4);S339
Donman JA for the PROGRESS Management Committee. PROGRESS Results: Implementation in Stroke Guidelines J Hypertens 2002:20(suppl 4);S339
Pringle EM, Phillips C, Thijs L, Davidson C, Parati G, Webster J, O’Brien E, Staessen JA. Night time systolic blood pressure variability as a risk factor for stroke J Hypertens 2002:20(suppl 4);S???.
General and educational
O’Brien E. Robert Graves. Dominic Corrigan. In Irish Innovators in Science and Technology. Eds:Charles Mollan, Willaim Davis, Brendan Finucane. Royal Irish Academy. 2002. p. 73 and p. 87.
O’Brien E, Bouchier-Hayes D. The solution to Ireland’s cardiovascular crisis: an integrated management strategy using a common database. Modern Medicine 2002;32:35-40
O’Brien E. Samuel Beckett and the weight of compassion. In: Borderlands: Essays on Literature and Medicine. Eds. Davis Coakley and Mary O’Doherty. A festchrift in honour of JB Lyons. 2002. pp. 141-150
O’Brien E. The importance of LIFE. Modern Medicine 2002;32:49
O’Brien E. “Paint the smell of grass”. Nevill Johnson (1911-1999). Pamphlet published by The Recorder. 2002. pp. 10
O’Brien E and Hall D. Nevill Johnson 1911-1999. Irish Arts Review October 2002
O’Brien E. ABPM is an indispensable technique. Irish Medical Times. 15 Nov 2002. p.32
Ho E, Stanton A. The role of the microcirculation in hypertension. Medicographia 2003; 25: 1-7.
Stanton AV Therapeutic potential of renin inhibitors in the management of cardiovascular disorders. Am J Cardiovasc Drugs 2003; 3: 389-94.
Stanton A. Potential of rennin inhibition in cardiovascular disease. JRAAS 2003;4:6-10
General and educational
O’Brien E. A review of recent guidelines on hypertension. Irish Medical News September 2003;44 & 52
Stanton A, O’Brien E. Lowering lipid levels in hypertension. Irish Medical News September.2003;36
Fagard RH, Staessen JA, Thijs L, Celis H, Birkenha¨ger WH,C Bulpitt CJ, de Leeuw PW, Leonetti G, Sarti, Tuomilehto J, Webster J, Yodfat Y, for the Systolic Hypertension in Europe (Syst-Eur) Trial Investigators. Prognostic Significance of Electrocardiographic Voltages and Their Serial Changes in Elderly With Systolic Hypertension. Hypertension. 2004;44:459-464.
Staessen JA, Den Hond E, Celis H, Fagard R, Keary L, Vandenhoven G, O’Brien ET, for the Treatment of Hypertension Based on Home or Office Blood Pressure (THOP) Trial Investigator. Trial finds adjusting antihypertensive drugs based on home measurement may not improve blood pressure control [Commentary by Kjeldsen SE, Reims HM, Mancia G]. Journal of Evidenced-Based Cardiovascular Medicine 2004; 8: 202-205.
N. Chapman M. Woodward. Effects of a Perindopril-Based Blood Pressure–Lowering Regimen on the Risk of Recurrent Stroke According to Stroke Subtype and Medical History: The PROGRESS Trial. Stroke 2004;35: 116 – 121
Rodgers A, Chapman N, Woodward M, Liu L-S, Colman S, Lee A, Chalmers J, MacMahon S, on behalf of the PROGRESS Collaborative Group. Perindopril-based blood pressure lowering in individuals with cerebrovascular disease: consistency of benefits by age, sex and region. J Hypertens 2004, 22:653–659
Celis H, Staessen J, Thijs L, Buntinx F, De Buyzere M, Den Hond E, Fagard R, O’Brien E. Cardiovasculair risico bij patienten met wittejashypertensie en constante hypertensie. Huisarts Nu 2004;33:281-285
de Luca N, Asmar RG, London GM, O’Rourke MF Safar ME, on behalf of the REASON Project investigators. Selective reduction of cardiac mass and central blood pressure on low-dose combination perindopril/indapamide in hypertensive subjects. J Hypertens 2004; 22:1623–1630
General and educational
O’Brien E, Stanton A. The RHASP Project. Medicine Weekly. 25 February 2004. 62-63
Dolan E, McCormack P. Management of hypertension in the elderly population. Medicine Weekly. 25 May 2004. 62
O’Brien E. European Society of Hypertension guidelines on blood pressure measurement. Irish Medical News. 18th October 2004
O’Brien E. Misdiagnosing hypertension: the importance of ABPM in identifying white coat and masked hypertension. Forum 2004
O’Brien E. How useful is self monitoring of blood pressure at home. Forum 2004;4:17-18
Ho E, Rooney Cm, Harhen B, Sever P, Hughes A, Thom S, Fitzgerald D, Stanton A. Doubling of isoprostane formation in a large cohort of hypertensive patients despite optimal medical management. J Hypertens 2004;22 (suppl 1): 43S
Dolan E, Atkins N, McClory S, Hinedi K, Stanton A, McCormack P, Staessen J, Thijs L, O’Brien E. A protocol for ascertaining mortality outcome in the absence of a national identifier or common fields. J Hypertens 2004;22 (suppl 1): 51S
Moore N, Stojanovic M, Lyons S, O’Brien E, O’Brien J, Stanton A. A newly discovered polymorphisim in the rennin gene enhancer region is associated with elevated ambulatory BP levels in a large community population. J Hypertens 2004;22 (suppl 1): 178S
Al Aloud B, Fulton A, Ch ng E, O’Brien E, Stanton A. Acute effects of hyperoxia and hypercapnia on retinal arteriolar and venular diameters. J Hypertens 2004;22 (suppl 1): 186S
Silveira E, Beckett N, Peters R, Banya W, Gil-Exterema B, Nachev C, Chodrouski Z, Fletcher A, Bulpitt C. Anti-hypertensive treatment does not lead to an increase in postural hypotension in most elderly patients – Results from the HYVET Pilot Study. J Hypertens 2004;22 (suppl 1): 93S
Peters R. The assessment of the quality of life in the Hypertension in the Very Elderly (HYVET) Trial. J Hypertens 2004;22 (suppl 1): 96S
Peters R on behalf of the HYVET investigators. Change of cognitive function within the first year of entering the Hypertension in the Very Elderly Trial (HYVET). J Hypertens 2004;22 (suppl 1): 54S
E. Den Hond, H. Celis, R. Fagard, E. O’Brien, J.A. Staessen, for the THOP investigators. Diagnostic threshold to define hypertension by self-measured home blood pressure – the clinical evidence. ECR. Nice. October 2004.
O’Brien E. Unmasking Hypertension. Hypertension 2005;45:481-482.
O’Brien E. Whither blood pressure measurement? Am J Hypertens 2005;18: ??
General and educational
O’Brien E. Striving for accuracy in blood pressure measurement in the clinic setting. Irish Medical News 2005; May 3:46-47
O’Brien E. The art of detecting hidden hypertension. Forum 2005;June:47-48
O’Brien E. ABPM: Your questions answered.Modern Medicine 2005;35:45.
O’Brien E, Stanton A. Less Heart Disease with Shared Care. Diabetes Professional 2005;24-26
Dolan E, Stanton A, Thijs L, Atkins N, McCormack P, Staessen JA, O’Brien ET. Prognostic significance of the nocturnal decline in systolic blood pressure: Dublin mortality outcome study.J Human Hypertens 2005;19:826
Tapp R, Sharp A, Chaturvedi N, Stanton A, Mayet J, Hughes AD, Thom S. Effects of blood pressure lowering with beta-blockerþdiuretic-based therapy and calcium antagonist and angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor-based therapy on left ventricular diastolic function. J Human Hypertens 2005;19:827
Dolan E, Stanton A, Thijs L, Atkins N, McCormack P, Staessen JA, O’Brien ET. Ambulatory heart rate predicts cardiovascular and non-cardiovascular mortality: Dublin mortality outcome study. J Human Hypertens 2005;19:829
Poulter NR, Chang CL, Dahlof B, Sever PS, Wedel H for the ASCOT Investigors.The effect of doxazosin on blood pressure of subjects with treated but uncontrolled hypertension: evidence from the ASCOT trial. J Human Hypertens 2005;19:846
Poulter NR, Chang CL, Dahlof B, Sever PS, Wedel H for the ASCOT Investigors.The effect of doxazosin on blood pressure of subjects with treated but uncontrolled hypertension: evidence from the ASCOT trial. J Human Hypertens 2005;19:846
Dolan E, Thijs L, Atkins N, McCormack P, O’Brien E, Staessen JA, Stanton A Ambulatory arterial stiffness index (AAS), a novel measure of arterial stiffness, provides additional prediction of cardiovascular cardiovascular mortality. J Hypertens 2005;23 (suppl 2): S258
Li Y, Wang J-G, Dolan E, Gao P-J, Guo H-F, Nawrot T, Stanton AV, Zhu D-L, O’Brien E, Staessen JA. Ambulatory Arterial Stiffness Index Derived from 24-Hour Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring. J Hypertens 2005;23 (suppl 2): S227
Dolan E, Stanton A, Thijs L, Hinedi K, Atkins N, McClory S, Den Hond E, McCormack P, Staessen JA, O’Brien E. Prediction of Cardiovascular Mortality by Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring: The Dublin Outcome Study. J Hypertens 2005;23 (suppl 2): S136
De Buyzere M, Clement DL, De Bacquer DA for the OvAInvestigators. Prognostic Value of Ambulatory Blood-Pressure. New data of the OvA Study. J Hypertens 2005;23 (suppl 2): S146
Books and booklets
Beevers GH, Lip DG, O’Brien E. ABC of Hypertension. 5th Edition. BMJ/Blackwell.2006.
O’Brien E. Whither conventional blood pressure measurement? Am J Hypertens 2006;19:659
General and educational
O’Brien E, Dolan E. Emerging role for nocturnal blood pressure. Cardiology Professional. Spring 2006 p. 1-2/
O’Brien E. Ascendency of angiotensin II receptor blocking drugs (ARBs) in the treatment of cardiovascular disease. Irish Medical News 2006.Feb. p 45.
O’Brien E. The pursuit of compassion. Irish Medical News 2006. March. p20.
General and educational
O’Brien E. Managing blood pressure using ABPM. Ir Med News.2007.05.17.p.40
O’Brien E. Ignoring the evidence. Med Weekly.2007.08.22.p.52
O’Brien E. Management of Arterial Hypertension – 2007 Guidelines. Med Weekly.2007.08.22.pp.82-83
O’Brien E. Getting things under control. Cardiology Professional. Autumn 2007.pp.11-14.
O’Brien E. Stroke – a preventable disaster. Forum. Oct 2007. pp.43-45
O’Brien E. The Irish Heart Foundation in a Changing Society. Medicine Weekly 2007.p.34
Book Chapters
O’Brien E. Assessment of the circadian cardiovascular risk with ambulatory blood pressure measurement. In European Society of Hypertension. Textbook of Hypertension. Ed. G. Mancia.Taylor and Francis.2008.pp.48-60
General and Educational
O’Brien E. CHD on the increase again: fact or fiction? Medicine Weekly 2008.Jan p.36
O’Brien E. Cardiovascular mortality. Medicine Weekly 2008.Apr p.40
O’Brien E. Stroke prevention. Irish Nursing 2008;16: Iss 3
O’Brien E. Ireland failing in battle against CVD. Forum 2008;May:45-48
O’Brien E. Ireland must try harder against CVD, Cardiology Professional 2008;Summer:28-30
O’Brien E. A better way to prevent strokes in Ireland. Forum 2008;June:40-42
O’Brien E, Sever P. Is systolic blood pressure all that matters? BMJ 2009;339:138-139
O’Brien E. Renal sympathetic denervation for resistant hypertension. Lancet 2009;373:2109
O’Brien E. Global intercourse. Lancet 2009;374:1596
General and Educational
O’Brien E. Has anything changed in the management of CD? Ir Med Times 2009.06.12.p.30
O’Brien E. ABPM in Primary Care. Irish Medical News Cardiology Supplement. 2009
O’Brien E. BP control not a reality for most. Cardiology Professional 2009. pp. 17-19
O’Brien E. The value of patterns of 24-hour ABPM. Ir Med Times 2009.08.09.pp. 24-26
O’Brien E. Cardiology Hypertension Module 144. Blood pressure control. Forum August 2009.