Scientific papers
O’Brien E, Mee F, Atkins N, O’Malley K. Inaccuracy of the Hawksley random-zero sphygmomanometer. Lancet 1990;336:1465-1468.
[O’Brien E]. Specification for Aneroid and Mercury non-automated sphygmomanometers. BS 2743:1990. British Standards Institiution. London 1990.
O’Malley K, O’Brien E, Cox J P. Further learnings from the European Working Party on high Blood Pressure in the Elderly (EWPHE) study: Focus on Systolic Hypertension. Cardiovascular Drugs and Therapy 1990;4:1249-1252.
Book chapters
O’Brien E, O’Malley K. Techniques for measuring blood pressure and their interpretation. In: Practical management of hypertension. Ed. W. Birkenhager. Kluwer Academic Publishers. Dordrecht, Boston, London. 1990.Pp.1-24.
Books and booklets
Petrie J C, O’Brien E T, Littler W A, De Swiet M, Dillon M. Recommendations on Blood Pressure Measurement British Medical Journal Publications, London.1990.
Cox J, O’Brien E, O’Malley K. The relationship between mortality and treated pressure in elderly hypertensives. Ir J Med Sci 1990;159:117.
Cox J, Gaine S, England R, Walsh J, Coakley, Feely J, O’Brien E, O’Malley K. The reliability of Osler’s manoeuvre in elderly patients. Ir J Med Sci 1990;159:120.
O’Brien E, Murphy J, Tyndall A, Atkins N, Mee F, McCarthy G, O’Malley K. 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure in normotensive subjects. Am J Hypertens 1990;3:35A.
Stanton A, Atkins N, O’Malley K, O’Brien E. Circadian blood pressure and antihypertensive drugs. Am J Hypertens 1990;3:107A.
Stanton AV, Atkins N, O’Malley K, O’Brien ET. Circadian blood pressure and antihypertensive drugs. J Ir Coll Physician Surg 1990;19:320
O’Brien E, Murphy J, Tyndall A, Atkins N, Mee F, McCarthy G, O’Malley K. 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure in normotensive subjects. J Ir Coll Physician Surg 1990;19:318.
Stanton A, Cox J, Atkins N, O’Malley K, O’Brien E. Use of the cusum plot in the anlysis of circadian blood pressure profiles. J Hypertens 1990;8:1069
O’Brien E, Murphy J, Tyndall A, Atkins N, Mee F, McCarthy G, O’Malley K, Staessen J. 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure in normotensive subjects. J Hypertens 1990;8(Suppl 3):S87.
Cox J P, O’Malley K, O’Brien E. Does placebo lower ambulatory blood pressure measured non-invasively? Ir J Med Sci 1990;159:309.
Staessen J, Bulpitt CJ, Fagard R, Mancia G, O’Brien E, Thijs L, Vyncke G, Amery A. Reference values for ambulatory blood pressure: a population study. J Hypertens 1991;6 (suppl 6):S320-S321
Duggan J, Kilfeather S, O’Brien E, O’Malley K. The effects of age on platelet intracellular free calcium concentration in normotensives and hypertensives. J Hypertens 1991;9:845-850
O’Malley K, Kelly J, O’Brien E.Clinical benefits of structural and functional changes with calcium antagonists. Am Heart J 1991;122:370-374
Meyer-Sabellek W, O’Brien E. Validierung und klinischer Einsatz der ambulanten Langzeitslutakruckregistrierung (ABDM). Nieren-und Hochdruckkrankheiten, Jahrang. Nr.10/1991.S.631-635
O’Brien E, O’Malley K. Importancia del control de 24 horas ambulatorio del la presion arterial en la seleccion y seguimento del tratamiento antihipertensivo. Hypertension 1991;8(suppl 2):5-10.
O’Brien E, Mee F, Atkins N, O’Malley K. Accuracy of the Del Mar Avionics Pressurometer IV determined by the British Hypertension Society Protocol. J Hypertens 1991;9:(suppl 5):S1-S7
O’Brien E, Mee F, Atkins N, O’Malley K. Accuracy of the Novacor DIASYS 200 determined by the British Hypertension Society Protocol. J Hypertens 1991;9(suppl 5):S9-S15
O’Brien E, Mee F, Atkins N, O’Malley K. Accuracy of the Takeda TM-2420/TM-2020 determined by the British Hypertension Society Protocol. J Hypertens 1991;9:(suppl 5):S17-S23
O’Brien E, Mee F, Atkins N, O’Malley K. Accuracy of the SpaceLabs 90207 determined by to the British Hypertension Society Protocol. J Hypertens 1991;9(suppl 5):S25-S31
Amery A, Birkenhager W, Bulpitt CJ, Clement D, de Leeuw P, Dollery CT, Fagard R, Fletcher A, Forette F, Leonetti G, O’Brien ET, O’Malley K, Rodico JL, Rosenfeld J, Staessen J, Strasser T, Terozoli I, Thijs L, Tuomilehto J, Webster J. Syst-Eur: A multicentre trial on the treatment of isolated systolic hypertension in the elderly: objectives, protocol and organisation. Ageing 1991;3:287-302
Forette F, Amery A, Staessen J, Strasser T, Thijs L, Beevers DG, Bert P, Clement D, Cox J, De Leeuw PW, De Plaen JF, Donnarel G, Escande M, Fagard R, Girerd X, Hickey A, Pandita-Gunawardena ND, Periliat I, Ruilope M, Slovick D, Terozli L, Varis R, Webster RJ. Is prevention of vascular dementia possible? The Syst-Eur Vascular Dementia Project. Aging 1991;3:373-382.
Thijs L for EWPHE. Age-related Hypotensive Effects of Placebo and Active Treatment in Patients Older Than 60 Years. Am J Med 1991;90(suppl 3A):24S-26S
Tuomilehto J for EWPHE. Body Mass Index and Prognosis in Elderly Hypertensive Patients: A Report from the European Working Party on High Blood Pressure in the Elderly. Am J Med 1991;90(suppl 3A):34S-41S
Fletcher A for EWPHE. Adverse Treatment Effects in the Trial of the European Working Party on High Blood Pressure in the Elderly. Am J Med 1991;90(suppl 3A):42S-44S
DeLeeuw P for EWPHE. Renal Function in the Elderly: Results from the European Working Party on High Blood Pressure in the Elderly. Am J Med 1991;90(suppl 3A):45S-49S
Staessen J for EWPHE. The Determinants and Prognostic Significance of Serum Uric Acid in Elderly Patients of the European Working Party on High Blood Pressure in the Elderly. Am J Med 1991;90(suppl 3A):50S-54S
Van Hoof R for EWPHE. Left Ventricular Hypertrophy in Elderly Hypertensive Patients: A Report from the European Working Party on High Blood Pressure in the Elderly. Am J Med 1991;90(suppl 3A):55S-59S
Staessen J for EWPHE. Mortality and Treated Blood Pressure in Patients of the European Working Party on High Blood Pressure in the Elderly. Am J Med 1991;90(suppl 3A):60S-61S
Fagard R for EWPHE. Serum Cholesterol Levels and Survival in Elderly Hypertensive Patients: Analysis of Data from the European Working Party on High Blood Presure in the Elderly. Am J Med 1991;90(suppl 3A):62S-63S
O’Malley K, Cox J, O’Brien E. Choice of Drug Treatment in Elderly Hypertensive Patients. Am J Med 1991;90 (suppl 3A);27S-33S.
Mancia G, Brunner HR, Conway J, O’Brien E, Pessina AC, Staessen J, Zanchetti A. Round Table Discussion: What blood pressure to measure? J Hypertens 1991;9(Suppl 6):S412-S418
Atkins N, O’Brien E. Rhythm Pattern Analysis – A Simplified Approach. SEUGI 91: Proceedings of the SAS European Users Group International Conference. 1991.Pp.226-232.
O’Brien E, O’Malley K. Reply to Varadin et al’s “Importance of a New Antihypertensive Agent and the Need to Define Hypertension Also by this Method”. Am J Hypertens 1991;4:642-643.
O’Brien E, Atkins N, O’Malley K. British Hypertension Society Protocol J Hypertens 1991;9:575-578
Cox J, Julius S, O’Malley K, O’Brien E. Self-measurement of blood pressure. In Blood Pressure Measurement. Eds. E. O’Brien and K. O’Malley. HANDBOOK OF HYPERTENSION. Eds. W.H.Birkenhager and J.L.Reid. Elsevier. Amsterdam. 1991. pp. 112-125
O’Brien E, Cox J, O’Malley K. Ambulatory blood pressure measurement in the evaluation of antihypertensive drug effect. In Blood Pressure Measurement. Eds. E. O’Brien and K. O’Malley. HANDBOOK OF HYPERTENSION. Eds. W.H.Birkenhager and J.L.Reid. Elsevier. Amsterdam. 1991. pp. 245-260
O’Brien E, Cox J, O’Malley K. The future. In Blood Pressure Measurement. Eds. E. O’Brien and K. O’Malley. HANDBOOK OF HYPERTENSION. Eds. W.H.Birkenhager and J.L.Reid. Elsevier. Amsterdam. 1991. pp. 380-386
Petrie JC, O’Brien ET, Littler WA, de Swiet M, Padfield PL, Dillon MJ. British Hypertension Society recommendations on blood pressure measurement. In Blood Pressure Measurement. Eds. E. O’Brien and K. O’Malley. HANDBOOK OF HYPERTENSION. Eds. W.H.Birkenhager and J.L.Reid. Elsevier. Amsterdam. 1991. pp. 387-395
de Swiet M, Dillon MJ, Littler WA, O’Brien ET, Padfield PL, Petrie JC. British Hypertension Society recommendations on blood pressure measurement in children. In Blood Pressure Measurement. Eds. E. O’Brien and K. O’Malley. HANDBOOK OF HYPERTENSION. Eds. W.H.Birkenhager and J.L.Reid. Elsevier. Amsterdam. 1991. pp. 396-398
O’Brien E, Petrie J, Littler W, de Swiet M, Padfield PL, O’Malley K, Jamieson M, Altman D, Bland M, Atkins N. The British Hypertension Society Protocol for the evaluation of automated and semi-automated blood pressure measuring devices with special reference to ambulatory systems. In Blood Pressure Measurement. Eds. E. O’Brien and K. O’Malley. HANDBOOK OF HYPERTENSION. Eds. W.H.Birkenhager and J.L.Reid. Elsevier. Amsterdam. 1991. pp. 430-451
Books and booklets
O’Brien E, O’Malley K. Editors: Blood Pressure Measurement. Volume 14. HANDBOOK OF HYPERTENSION. Eds. W.H.Birkenhager and J.L.Reid. Elsevier. Amsterdam. 1991. Pp.1-460.
O’Brien E. Editor. Second International Consensus Meeting on Twenty-four-hour Blood Pressure Monitoring. J Hypertens 1991;9(suppl 8).
O’Brien E. Ambulatory blood pressure in clinical practice. Ambulatory blood pressure in diagnosis (Abstract). Hypertension (Spain). April 1991. p.4.
Cox JP, Atkins N, O’Malley K, O’Brien E. Does isolated systolic hypertension exist on ambulatory blood pressure measurement. J Ir Colls Phys Surg 1991;20:234
Stanton A, Mullaney P, Mee F, O’Malley K, O’Brien E. Fundal blood vessel alterations are associated with mild to moderate hypertension. J Ir Colls Phys Surg 1991;20:235
Tan S, Stanton A, Atkins N, O’Malley K, O’Brien E. Circadian blood pressure changes and left ventricular hypertrophy in untreated essential hypertension. J Ir Colls Phys Surg 1991;20:236
Halligan A, O’Brien E, Walshe J, O’Malley K, Darling M. Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring and haemostatic changes in 100 normotensive primagravid pregnancies. J Hypertens 1991;9(Suppl 8):S87
Clement DL, Conway J, Coats AJS, O’Brien E, Mancia G. Office versus ambulatory recordings of blood pressure (OvA): a European multicenter study. J Hypertens 1991;9(Suppl 8):S89
Cox J, Clement D, Mancia G, Parati G, O’Brien E, Staessen J. ECG criteria for left ventricular hypertrophy and twenty-four-hour ambulatory blood pressure in the Syst-Eur study. J Hypertens 1991;9(Suppl 8):S90
Stanton A, Mullaney PB, Mee FD, O’Malley K, O’Brien E. Fundal blood vessel alterations are associated with mild-to-moderate hypertension. J Hypertens 1991;9 (suppl6):S488
Stanton A, Tan S, Crowley P, Mullaney P, Atkins N, O’Malley K, O’Brien E. Circadian blood pressure changes and target organ damage in untreated essential hypertension. J Hypertens 1991;9:1092
Cox JP, Atkins N, Staessen J, Thijs L, Stanton A, O’Malley K, O’Brien E. Reproducibility of the circadian blood pressure profile in hypertensive patients and normotensive subjects. J Hypertens 1991;9:1092-1093
Cox J, Atkins N, Thijs L, Staessen J, Mee F, O’Malley K, O’Brien E. Does ambulatory blood pressure measurement predict left ventricular hypertrophy in patients with isolated systolic hypertension? J Hypertens 1991;9:1096
Stanton A, Kilfeather S, O’Brien E, O’Malley K. A receptor binding assay for endoxin in human plasma reveals a high affinity ligand and also binding components of much lower affinity. Ir J Med Sci 1991;160:325
Cox J P, O’Malley K, O’Brien E. Does placebo lower ambulatory blood pressure measured non-invasively? Br J Clin Pharmacol 1991;31:247.
O’Brien E, Murphy J, Tyndall A, Atkins N, Mee F, McCarthy G, Staessen J, Cox J, O’Malley K. Twenty-four-hour ambulatory blood pressure in men and women aged 17-80 years: the Allied Irish Bank Study. J Hypertens 1991;9(Suppl 8):S84
General and educational
O’Brien E. Measurement of Blood Pressure. Treating Hypertension. 1991. pp.1-9
O’Malley K, Kelly JG. New developments in antihypertensive drugs. Trends in Cardiovascular Medicine 1991;5:201-204.
O’Brien E. Monitoring blood presure over 24 hours. Irish Medical Times. Jan 4, 1991.p17.
Breslin E. Beta-blockers have an important role in the treatment of hypertension. Irish Medical Times. Feb 8, 1991. pp.26-27.
Stanton A. Alternative approach to hypertension. Irish Medical Times Aug 2nd.1991.p.21
Breslin A. The role of diuretics in hypertension. Irish Medical Times Aug 2nd.1991.p.20
Cox J. Management of hypertension in general practice. Irish Medical Times Aug 2nd.1991.p.18
Tan S. The diagnosis of angina pectoris. Irish Medical Times. Aug 2nd.1991.pp.13-14
O’Brien E. Ambulatory blood pressure measurement in the diagnosis and amnagement of hypertension. Irish Doctor. i/7/91
O’Brien E. Measurement of blood pressure. Pulse 1991.??
Cox J. Then and now: managing a patient with hypertension. Modern Medicine of Ireland. Sept 1991. 399-403.
Breslin E. Treating hypertension with ACE inhibitors. Irish Medical Times. Dec 13th, 1991. p.19
Breslin E. ACE inhibitors in the management of hypertension. Irish Medical Times.
O’Brien E. Ambulatory blood pressure measurement in the diagnosis and management of hypertension. Supplement to general practice. ICI
Scientific papers
Stanton A, Cox J, Atkins N, O’Malley K, O’Brien E. Cumulative Sums in Quantifying Circadian Blood Pressure Patterns. Hypertension 1992:19:93-101
Staessen J, O’Brien E, Atkins N, Bulpitt C, Cox J,Fagard R, O’Malley K, Thijs L, Amery A. The increase in blood pressure with age and body mass index is overestimated by conventional sphygmomanometry. Am J Epidemiol 1992;136:450-459.
Duggan J, Kilfeather S, O’Brien E, O’Malley K, Nussberger J. Effects of Ageing and Hypertension on Plasma Angiotensin II and Platelet Angiotensin II Receptor Density. Am J Hypertens 1992;5:687-693.
Cox J, O’Malley K, O’Brien E. The J-curve in elderly hypertensives. J Hypertens 1992;10(suppl 2):S17-S23
O’Brien E, Mee F, Atkins N, O’Malley K. The quest for better validation: a critical comparison of the AAMI and BHS validation protocls for ambulatory blood pressure measuring systems. Biomedical Instrumentation & Technology 1992;26:395-399.
O’Brien E, Mee F, Atkins N, O’Malley K. Short Report: Accuracy of the CH-Druck Pressure Scan ERKA ambulatory blood pressure measuring system determined by the British Hypertension Society Protocol. J Hypertens 1992;10:1283-1284.
O’Brien E, Mee F, Atkins N, O’Malley K. Short Report: Accuracy of the Profilomat ambulatory blood pressure measuring system determined by the Britisih Hypertension Society Protocol. J Hypertens 1992;10:1285-1286.
Beard K, Bulpitt C, Mascie-Taylor H, O’Malley K, Sever P, Webb G. Management of elderly patients with sustained hypertension. Brit Med J 1992;304:412-416.
Atkins N, O’Brien E. Writing a 4GL for Statistical Analysis of Customised Dattabases. Proceedings of the SAS European Users Group International Conference. 1992.pp.211-216.
Staessen J, Amery A, Birkenhager W, Bulpitt CJ, Cox J, de Leeuw P, DDe Cort P, Fagard R, Fletcher A, Forette F, Fowler G, Girrerd X, Leonetti G, O’Brien ET, O’Malley K, Petrie JC, Rodrico JL, Rosefield J, Slovic W, Terozoli L, Thijs L, Tuomilehto J, Webster J, Yoddfet X. Syst-Eur: a multicentre trial for the treatment of isolated systolic hypertension in the Elderly. First interim report. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol 1992;9:120-125.
Amery A on behalf of the European Working Party on High Blood Pressure in the Elderly. Syst-Eur. A multicentre trial on the treatment of isolated systolic hypertension in the elderly. High Blood Press 1992;1:138-142.
Girerd X, Amery A, Birkenhager W, Bulpitt CJ, Cox J, de Leeuw P, DDe Cort P, Fagard R, Fletcher A, Forette F, Fowler G, Leonetti G, O’Brien ET, O’Malley K, Petrie JC, Rodrico JL, Rosefield J, Slovic W, Staessen J, Terozoli L, Thijs L, Tuomilehto J, Webster J, Yoddfet X.. Syst-Eur un essai multicentrique du traitement de l’hypertension systolique du sujet agé. Arch Mal Coeur 1992;85:1243-1247.
Staessen J, Amery A, Clement D, Cox J, De Cort P, Fagard R, Guo C, Marin R, O’Brien ET, O’Malley K, Mancia G, Parati G, Ravogli A, Thijs L, Webster J. Tweny-four hour blood pressure monitoring in the Syst-Eur trial. Aging Clin Exp Res 1992;4:85-91.
Stanton A, O’Malley K. The management of mild hypertension. Ir Med J 1992;85:2-3.
Book chapters
O’Brien E, O’Malley K. Blutdruckmessung. Technik und Interpretation. In: Die Praxis der Hypertonie-Behandlung. Ed: W.H. Birkenhager. Kluwer. Dordrechtt. 1992. pp.1-26.
O’Brien E, O’Malley K. Clinical Blood Pressure Measurement. In: Clinical Hypertension. Ed. JIS Robertson. HANDBOOK OF HYPERTENSION. Snr. eds W. Birkenaeger, JL Reid. Volume 15. Elsevier. Holland. 1992.pp.14-50.
Waeber B, O’Brien E, Camenzend E, Burnier M, Nussberger J, Cox J, Brunner H. Efficacy assessment of antihypertensive therapy. In: Ambulatory Blood Pressure. Eds: H. Brunner and B. Waeber. Raven Press. 1992.
Staessen J, Amery A, Birkenhager W, Bulpitt CJ, Clement D, de Leeuw P, Deruyttere M, De Schaepdryver A, Dollery C, Fagard R, Fletcher A, Forette F, Forte J, Henry J-F, Koistinen G, Leonetti G, Nissinen A, O’Brien E, O’Malley K, Pelemans W, Petrie JC, Strasser TK, Terozoli L, Thijs L, Thijs L, Tuomilehto J, Webster J, Williams BO. Serum cholesterol and survival in elderly hypertensive aptients. In: Hypertension, athersclerosis and lipids. Ed by P.A van Zwieten, G. Mancia and O.E. Brodde. Royal Society of Medicine Services International Congress and Symposium Series. No. 191. Royal Society of Medicine Services Limited. 1992. Pp. 19-26.
Stanton A, Tan S, Crowley J, O’Malley K, O’Brien E. The interrelations of blood pressure levels, circadian pressure a;lterations and left ventricular mass in mild to moderate hypertension in human subjects. J Physiol 1992;446:419P.
Halligan AWF, O’Brien E, O’Malley K, Darling MRN, Walshe J.. 24-Hour Ambulatory Blood Pressure Measurement in pregnancy. J Am Soc Nephrol 1992;3:532.
Staessen J, Bulpitt CJ, O’Brien ET, Cox J, Fagard R, Lijnen P, Thijs L, Amery A. The Diurnal BP Profile: A Population Study. J Hypertens 1992;10(suppl 4):S123.
Girerd X, Forette F, Amery A, on behalf of the European Working Party on High Blood Pressure in the Elderly: first interim report. J Hypertens 1992;10:1294.
Stanton A, Mullaney P, O’Brien E, O’Malley K. Influences of age and blood pressure on retinal microvessel calibre. J Hypertens 1992;10(suppl 4):S95.
Atkins N, O’Brien E, O’Malley K. Mult-Pi analysis : a new method of analysing 24-hour ABPM. J Hypertens 1992;10(suppl 4):S79.
Staessen J, O’Brien ET, Atkins N, Bulpitt CJ, Cox J, Fagard R, O’Malley K, Thijs L, Amery A. The increase in BP with age and BMI is greater with conventional than with ambulatory sphygmomanometry. J Hypertens 1992;10(suppl 4):S41.
Staessen J, O’Brien ET, Atkins N, Bulpitt CJ, Cox J, Fagard R, O’Malley K, Thijs L, Amery A. The increase in BP with age and BMI is greater with conventional than with ambulatory sphygmomanometry. Am J Hypertens 1992;5:90A.
Staessen J, Bulpitt CJ, O’Brien, Cox J, Fagard R, Lijnen P, Stanton A, Thijs L, Amery A. The Diurnal BP profile: a population study. Am J Hypertens 1992;5:90A.
Halligan AWF, O’Brien E, O’Malley K, Walshe JJ, Mee F, Atkins N, Darling MRN. Non-invasive twenty-four ambulatory blood pressure measurement in primagravid pregnancy: a longitudinal study. J Hypertens 1992;10 (suppl 4):S93.
General and educational
Cox J. Hypertension in the elderly. Ir Med Times 31.1.1992
Breslin E. A guide to ambulatory blood pressure monitoring and when it is useful. Ir Med Times. Jan 1992
Breslin E. The treatment of mild hypertension. Ir Med News. Feb 17, 1992. p.16.
Cox J. Elderly Hypertension. Ir Med News. 20.3.92. p.20.
Breslin E. The role of ACR inhibitors in treating hypertension. Ir Med News August 1992: p.11.
Stanton A. Hypertension: when to start therapy. Ir Med Times. 31 July. 1992. p. 15.
O’Brien E. Irish medicine: a visual perspective. The Anatomy Lesson. National Gallery of Ireland Publication.
Breslin E. Guide to use of ambulatory blood pressure monitoring. Irish Med Times. $ September 1992. p.16.
O’Brien E. Ambulatory blood pressure measurement and hypertension. Irish Doctor. September 1992. p. 53-56.
Cunningham T. Management of mild hypertension. Ir Medical Times 12/12/92.
Scientific papers
O’Brien E, Petrie J, Littler WA, de Swiet M, Padfield PL, Altman D, Bland M, Coats A, Atkins N. Short report. An outline of the British Hypertension Society Protocol for the evaluation of blood pressure measuring devices. J Hypertens 1993;11:677-679.
O’Brien E, O’Malley K. The relationship of 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure measurement to target organ damage. Ther Res 1993;14:84-91
O’Brien E, Mee F, Atkins N, O’Malley K. Short Report: Accuracy of the Dinamap portable monitor, Model 8100, determined by the British Hypertension Society protocol. J Hypertens 1993;11:761-763
O’Brien E, Atkins N, Mee F, O’Malley K. Evaluation of blood pressure measuring devices. Clin & Exper Hypertension 1993;15(6):1087-1097
O’Brien E, Atkins N. 24-hour ABPM: Technical aspects of 24 hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring: comparative accuracy of six ambulatory systems determined by the BHS protocol. High Blood Press 1993;2(suppl 1):76-79.
Duggan J, Kilfeather S, Lightman SL, O’Malley K. The association of age with plasma arginine vasopressin and plasma osmolality. Age and Aging 1993;22:332-336
Duggan J, Nussberger J, Kilfeather S, O’Malley K. Ageing and Human Hormonal and Pressor Responsiveness to Angiotensin II Infusion With Simultaneous Measurement of Exogenous and Endogenous Angioitensin II. Am J Hypertens 1993;6:641-647.
Fletcher A, Bulpitt C, Amery A, Battersvby C, Cox J, O’Brien E, O’Malley K, Fagard R, Fastido M, Kivinen P, Leonetti G, Slovick D, Staessen J, Terolzi L, Thys L, Tuomilheto J. The assessment of quality of life in the SYST-EUR trial. High Blood Press 1993;2:45-50.
Slovick DI, Amery A, Birkenhager W, Bulpitt CJ, Cox J, de Leeuw P, de Cort P, Fagard R, Fletcher A, Forette F, Fowler G, Girerd X, Leonetti G, O’Brien ET, O’Malley K, Petrie J, Rodicio JL, Rosenfeld J, Staessen J, Terzoli L, Thijs L, Tuomiletho J, Webster J, Yodfat Y. SYST-EUR multicentre trial on the treatment of isolated systolic hypertension in the elderly: first interim report. J Human Hypertens 1993;7:201-203.
Staessen J, Bert P, Bulpitt C, De Cort P, Fagard R, Fletcher A, Kivinen P, Lehtomaki E, Leonetti G, O’Brien E, Rodicio J, Rosenfeld J, Thijs L, Tozzi N, Tuomilehto J, Vanhanen H, Vanska O, Webster J, Yodfat Y. Nitrendipine in older patients with isolated systolic hypertension: second progress report on the Syst-Eur trial. J Human Hypertens 1993;7:265-271.
Slovick D, Staessen J, Bert P, Bulpitt C, De Cort P, Fagard R, Fletcher A, Kivinen P, Lehtomaki E, Leonetti G, O’Brien E, Rodicio J, Rosenfeld J, Thijs L, Tozzi N, Tuomilehto J, Vanhanen H, Vanska O, Webster J, Yodfat Y. Nitrendipine in older patients with isolated systolic hypertension: second progress report on the Syst-Eur trial. J Human Hypertens 1993;7:411-412.
Thijs L, Amery A, Antikainen R, Birkenhager W, Bulpitt C, Dollery CT, Fletcher AE, Forette F, Haknaki P, Kvinen E, Lehtomaki E, O’Brien E, Sarti C, Staessen J, Tilvis R, Triarco B, Tuomilehto J, Vannanan H, Vainska B, Webster J, Yodfat Y. Antihypertensive therapy in elderly patients with isolated systolic hypertension: Third progress report on the Syst-Eur Trial. Clin & Exper Hypertension. 1993;15(6):953-966.
O’Brien E. Acknowledging prior publication. Biomed Instrumentation & Technology 1993;27:451-452.
O’Brien E, Conroy R, O’Malley K, Atkins N. The Hawksley random zero sphygmomanometer: Authors’ reply. BMJ 1993;307:562-563.
Book chapters
Cox J, O’Malley K, O’Brien E. Hypertension in the Elderly: A Modifiable Risk Factor. In: Cardiovascular Disease: Risk factors and intervention. Eds: N. Poulter, P. Sever, S. Thom. Radcliffe Medical Press. Oxford. 1993. pp.285-293.
O’Brien E, Atkins N, O’Malley K. Selecting the correct bladder according to the distribution of arm circumference in the population. J Hypertens 1993;11:1149-50
Mee F, Dowdall C, Bradshaw J, Cox J, Atkins N, O’Brien E. Shared Care for hypertension in Dublin. J Human Hypertens 1993;7: 96
Mee F, Atkins N, O’Brien E. Observer Training. J Human Hypertens 1994;8:293-295.
Mee F, Atkins N, O’Brien E. Validation of the Nissei DS-240 ambulatory blood pressure measuring system as determined by the British Hypertension Society protocol.. J Human Hypertens 1993;7:295.
Mee F, O’Brien E, Atkins N, O’Malley K. Comparative accuracy of the CH-Druck, Profilomat, SpaceLabs 90207, DIASYS 200, Pressurometer IV and Takeda TM-2420 ambulatory blood pressure measuring (ABPM) devices determined by the British hypertension Society (BHS) protocol. J Human Hypertens 1993;7: 98.
Staessen J, O’Brien ET, Atkins N, Bulpitt C, Cox J, Fagard R, O’Malley K, Thijs L, Amery A. The increase in BP with age and BMI is overestimated by conventional sphygmomanometry. Am J Hypertens 1992:5:90A.
Halligan A, O’Brien E, O’Malley K, Darling M, Walsh J. 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure measurement in pregnancy. J Am Soc Nephrol 1992;3:532.
General and Educational
O’Brien E. New concepts in the care of hypertensive patients. Clinical Forum 1993;3-8.
Cox J, Conway J, White W, Padfield P, O’Brien E. Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring in general practice. The Medicine Group. UK. 1993. Pp.1-8.
O’Brien E. ABPM – The child becomes a man. Cardiology Today. January 1993.
O’Brien E. The BHS protocol. ISH Hypertension News. June 1993.
Mee F, Dowdall C, Murphy J, Atkins N, Tyndall A, O’Brien E. The role of the nurse in hypertension research. Nursing Review 1993;11:11-12.
Mee F, Dowdall C, Atkins N, O’Brien E. Shared Care for Hypertension in Beaumont Hospital. Nursing Times 1993;89:56.
O’Brien E, Fitzgerald D. The history of blood pressure measurement. J Human Hypertens 1994;8:73-84
Staessen J, Thijs L, Clement D, Davidson D, Fagard R, Lehtomen A, Mancia G, Palatini P, O’Brien E, Parati G, Webster J, Amery A. Ambulatory pressure decreases on long-term placebo treatment in older patients with isolated systolic hypertension. J Hypertens 1994;12: 1035-1039
O’Brien E, Atkins N. A comparison of the BHS and AAMI protocols for validating blood pressure measuring devices: can the two be reconciled? J Hypertension 1994; 12:1089-1094
O’Brien E. Chairman’s Summary. Pressure to treat: Is ACE inhibition the key? J Human Hypertens 1994;8(Suppl 1):S35.
Conroy R, Atkins N, Mee F, O’Brien E, O’Malley K. Using Hawksley Random Zero Sphygmomanometer as a Gold Standard May Result in Misleading Conclusions. Blood Pressure 1994;3:283-286.
O’Brien E, Darling M, Higgins J. Ambulatory blood pressure in pregnancy. Br J Obstet & Gynaecol 1994;101:462-463.
O’Brien E. Ambulatory blood pressure measurement in the elderly. Geriatric Medicine 1994;16:
Cox J, O’Brien ET. Discrepancies between clinic and ambulatory BP measurements. J Human Hypertens 1994;8:151.
O’Brien E. Game, Set and MRCP. Lancet. 1994:344:1159
O’Brien E. Accuracy and Performance of the Terumo ES-H51, a New Portable Blood Pressure Monitor. Am J Hypertens 1994;7:118.
O’Brien E. Validity and reliability of 24h blood pressure monitoring in children and adolescents using a portable oscillometric device. J Human Hypertens 1994;8:797-798.
Book chapters
O’Brien E. Blood pressure Measurement. In Textbook of Hypertension. Ed. JD Swales. Blackwell Scientific Publications. Oxford. 1994. pp. 989-1008.
O’Malley K, O’Brien E. Special Clinical Situations. The Elderly. In: The ABCs of Antiypertensive Therapy. Ed. E. Messerli. Raven Press. New York.1994. pp. 187-194
O’Brien E, O’Malley K. Blood pressure measurement in the elderly with special reference to ambulatory blood pressure measurement. In: Hypertension in the Elderly. Ed. G. Leonetti and Cuspedi. Kluwer. Holland. 1994. pp.13-25.
O’Brien E, O’Malley K, Atkins N, Mee F. A review of validation procedures for blood pressure measuring devices. In: Twenty-Four Hour Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring in Clinical Practice. Eds: B. Waeber, E. O’Brien, K. O’Malley, HR Brunner. Raven Press. New York. N.Y. 1994. pp.1-32.
O’Brien E. A Review of Standards for Non-invasive Blood Pressure Measurement. In: Ambulatory Blood Pressure Ed: T. Pickering. Biophysical Measurement Series.. SpaceLabs Medical. Inc.Washington. 1994. Pp. 96-102.
Atkins N, O’Brien E, Mee F. A customised international database system for storing and analysing ambulatory blood pressure measurements and related data. J Hypertens 1994;12(suppl 3):S23
Atkins N, O’Brien E. ‘Load’ and ‘Leese’ indices as useful measurements in the management of hypertension. J Hypertens 1994;12(suppl 3):S13
Staessen J, O’Brien E & the Ad-Hoc Working Group. The Ambulatory Pressure in normotensive (NT) compared with hypertensive (HT) subjects. J Hypertens 1994;12(suppl 3):S17
Staessen J, O’Brien E, Atkins N, Fagard R, Amery A. A Consistent Reference Frame for ABPM is found in Different Populations. J Hypertens 1994;12(suppl 3):S17
Mee F, Atkins N, O’Brien E. Validation of the Nissei DS-240 ambulatory blood pressure measuring system as determined by the British Hypertension Society protocol. J Human Hypertens 1994;8:295.
Staessen J, O’Brien E. The Ambulatory Pressure in normotensive (NT) compared with hypertensive (HT) subjects. Am J Hypertens 1994;7:103A.
Staessen J, O’Brien E, Fagard R, Amery A. A Consistent Framework for ABPM is found Different Populations. Am J Hypertens 1994;7:121A.
Staessen J, Thijs L, & Syst-Eur. The ambulatory pressure drops on placebo in older patients with isolated systolic hypertension. Am J Hypertens 1994;17:54A
O’Brien E, Mee F, Atkins N. An accurate automated device for home blood pressure measurement at last! The Omron HEM-705C. J Hypertens 1994;12:1317-1318.
Higgins J, Darling M, O’Brien E, Conroy R, Walshe JJ. Prediction of hypertension in primigravidae: the role of ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM). J Am Soc Neph 1994; 5:562.
General and Educational
O’Brien E. New concepts in the care of hypertensive patients in general practice. Forum . Feb 1994. Suppl..4-8.
O’Brien E. The need for research in innovation and change. Nursing Review 1994;12:4-8.
O’Brien E. GP Question Time. Ir Med News June 1994;11-14.
[O’Brien E]. Assessment of home measuring devices. WHICH Magazine, May 1994; p.38-40.
Stanton A, O’Brien E. Auswirkungen der Therapie auf das zirkadiane Blutdruckprofil. Kardie 1994. Pp.1-8.
Waeber B, O’Brien E, O’Malley K, Brunner HR. Usefulness of Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring in Clinical Practice. Slide Presentation of 44 slides. Roche. Switzerland. 1994.
Scientific papers
Stanton A, Mullaney P, Mee F, O’Brien E, O’Malley K. A method of quantifying retinal microvascular alterations associated with hypertension and age. J Hypertens 1995; 13:41-48
Thijs L, Staessen J, O’Brien E, Amery A, Atkins N, Baumgart P, DeCort P, Degaute J-P, Dolenc P, De Gaudemaris R, Enstrom I, Fagard R, Gosse P, Gourley S, Hayashi H, Imai Y, James G, Kawasaki T, Kuschnar E, Kuwayami I, Lindholm L, Liu L, Macor F, Mancia G, McGrath B, Middeke M, Ming J, Omboni S, Otsuka K, Palatini P, Parati GF, Pieper C, Verdecchia P, Zacharaih P, Zhang W. The ambulatory blood pressure in normotensive and hypertensive subjects: results from a large international database. Netherlands J Med 1995;46:106-114.
O’Brien E, Staessen J. Normotension and hypertension as defined by 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring. Blood Pressure 1995;4:266-282.
Thijs L, Dabrowski E, Clement D, Fagard R, Lalis T, Mancia G, O’Brien E, Omboni S, Parati G, Staessen J, Tuomilehto J,, Webster J, on behalf of Syst-Eur investigators. Diurnal blood pressure profile in older patients with isolated systolic hypertension. J Human Hypertens 1995;9:917-924.
O’Brien E, Coyle D. Ambulatory blood pressure measurements and the occurrence of organ damage. Netherlands J Med. 1995;47:145-151
Staessen J, Bieniaszewksi L, Buntinx F, Celis H, O’Brien ET, Van Hoof R, Fagard R. The Trough-to-Peak Ratio as an Instrument to Evaluate Antihypertensive Drugs. Hypertension 1995;26[Part I]:942-949.
Bieniaszewksi L, Staessen J, Byttebier G, De Leeuw P, Van Hedent T, Fagard R, on behalf of APTH Investigators. Trough-To-Peak Versus Surface Ratio as in the Assessment of Antihypertensive Agents. Blood Pressure 1995;4:350-357.
Staessen J, Fagard R, Thijs L, Amery A and the Participants in The Fourth International Consensus Conference on 24-Hour Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring. Hypertension 1995;26[part 1]:912-918.
O’Brien E. Will mercury manometers soon be obsolete? J Human Hypertens 1995;9:933-934.
O’Brien E. Medicine’s Lottery Losers. Lancet 1995;
O’Brien E. Gambling with the nation’s health.BMJ 1995;311:1225.
O’Brien E, Atkins N. Evaluation of the accuracy and reproducibility of the Takeda TM-2420 in the elderly. J Human Hypertens 1995;9:205.
O’Brien E. Ambulatory Blood Pressure Measurement and Insulin Resistance. Hypertension 1995;25:461.
O’Brien E. Expert comments on the JNV V Consensus Guidelines. Am J Hypertens 1995:8:330-331
Halligan A, O’Brien E. 24-H non-invasive ambulatory blood pressure measurement in pregnancy. Am J Hypertens 1995:172:1328
O’Brien E. Automated blood pressure measurement in pregnancy. Am J Obstet & Gynec 1995;172:1328
O’Brien E, Atkins N. Blood pressure measurement using oscillometric finger cuffs. Anaesthesia 1995;50:743-745
O’Brien E, Atkins N. Accuracy of an oscillometric automatic blood pressure device: the Omron HEM403C. J Human Hypertens 1995;9:781-784
O’Brien E, Padfield P, Bland M, Atkins N, Coats A, Petrie J, Altman D, Littler W, de Swiet M. Validation of blood pressure measuring devices. J Clin Monit 1995;11:257
Book chapters
O’Brien E. Contribution to Manual of Hypertension. Ed. J.D. Swales. Blackwell Science. London. 1995.
Books and booklets
[O’Brien E]. European Standard EN 1060-1 (British Standard BSSEN 1060-1:1996). Specification for Non-invasive sphygmomanometers. Part I. General requirements. 1995. European Commission for Standardisation. Rue Stassart 36, B-1050 Brussels.
[O’Brien E]. European Standard EN 1060-2 (British Standard BSSEN 1060-2:1996). Specification for Non-invasive sphygmomanometers. Part 2. Supplementary requirements for mechanical sphygmomanometers. 1995. European Commission for Standardisation. Rue Stassart 36, B-1050 Brussels.
O’Brien E, Beevers G, Marshall D. ABC of Hypertension. Third Edition. BMJ Publications. London. 1995.
O’Brien E, Mee F, Atkins N, Thomas M. Validation of three devices for home blood pressure measurement. Am J Hypertens 1995;8:22A.
Staessen J, Thijs L, Mancia G, Parati G, O’Brien E, Fagard R. Clinical trials with ambulatory blood pressure monitoring: Evidence from the Syst-Eur trial. Am Hypertens 1995;8:27A.
Higgins J, Darling M, Halligan A, O’Brien E, Conroy R, Walshe J. Second trimester 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM): can it predict the development of hypertension in primigravidae? J Am Soc Neph 1995;6:642.
O’Brien E, Staessen J. State of the market: what ambulatory blood pressure measurement devices are available and how accurate are they? J Hypertens 1995;13:1505.
General and Edcucational
O’Brien E. Shared care programme in managing hypertension. Irish Medical Times. 20.1.1995. p. 27
O’Brien E. GP management plan for hypertension: The specialist view. Modern Medicine. 1995:25:Suppl. 1-5.
O’Brien E. Blood pressure measurement: a changing perspective. Irish Medical Times. Sept 1995.p.24.
O’Brien E. Prepare a curriculum vitae. In: How to do it: Management/ employment/counselling. Ed: D. Reece. 3rd Edition. BMJ Publishing Group. London 1995.
Staessen J, Bienjaszewski L, O’Brien E, Fagard R. What is normal blood pressure on ambulatory monitoring. J Nephrol Dial Transplant. 1996;11;241-245.
Staessen JA, Bieniaszewski L, O’Brien ET, Fagard R. An epidemiological approach to ambulatory blood pressure monitoring: the Belgian Population study. Blood Pressure Monitoring 1996;1:13-26
x.SBPM devices according to BHS protocol.BP Monit 1996
Thijis L, Celis H, Clement D, Sil-Extamara B, Kaiwecka-Jaszcz K, Mancia G, Parati GF, Salvetti A, Serti C, van den Meiraclear A, O’Brien E, Staessen J, Fagard R. Conventional and ambulatory blood pressure measurement in older patients with isolated systolic hypertension: second progress report on the ABPM project in the Syst-Eur trial. Blood Pressure Monitoring. 1996;1:95-103
Vanhanen H, Thijs L, Birkenhager W, Tilvis R, Sarti C, Tuomilehto J, Bulpitt C, Fagard R, Staessen J on behalf of the Syst-Eur Investigators. Associations of orthostatic blood pressure fall in older patients with isolated systolic hypertension. J Hypertens 1996;14:943-949.
Vanhanen H, Thijs L, Birkenhager W, Tilvis R, Sarti C, Tuomilehto J, Staessen J on behalf of the Syst-Eur Investigators. Prevalence and persistency of orthostatic blood pressure fall in older patients with isolated systolic hypertension. J Human Hypertens 1996;10:607-612.
O’Brien E, Atkins N, Staessen J. Are overnight dip and target-organ damage related? A clinical perspective. Blood Pressure Monitoring 1996;1(Suppl 1);S42-S48
O’Brien E. The dilemma of choice: which bladder for accurate measurement? Zeitschrift für Kardiologie.1996;85(Suppl 3);26-31.
Conroy RM, Shelley E, Atkins N, O’Brien E. Ergonomic Problems with the Hawksley Random Zero Sphygmomanometer and their Effect on Recorded Pressures. Blood Pressure 1996;:5:227-233
O’Brien E. Ave atque vale: the centenary of clinical sphygmomanometry. Lancet 1996;348:1569-1570
O’Brien E. Position paper: Devices for measuring 24-hour blood pressure. Blood Pressure 1996;1:177-180.
O’Brien E. How will we ensure accuracy in the future? Blood Pressure Monitoring 1996;1 (suppl 1):S109-S112.
Waeber B, O’Brien E, Brunner H. How to keep technology apace with science? Blood Pressure Monitoring 1996;1 (suppl 1):S113-S115
Halligan A, Lambert P, O’Brien E, Shennan A,. Characteristics of a reversed circadian blood pressure rhythm in pregnant women with hypertension. J Human Hypertension 1996;10:135
O’Brien E. False claim for accuracy of the UA 751. J Human Hypertens 1996;10:335
O’Brien E. Evaluation of the Takeda TM-2420 in the elderly. J Human Hypertens 1996;10:61.
O’Brien E. SpaceLabs 90207 and Accutracker II ambulatory blood pressure monitors in pregnancy. Am J Obs Gynec 1996;175:751-752.
Book chapters
O’Brien E. Chapter 1A. General principles of blood pressure measurement. In: Practical management of hypertension. Ed. W. Birkenhager. Kluwer Academic Publishers. Dordrecht, Boston, London. 1996.p.1-11
O’Brien E. Chapter 1B. Conventional blood pressure measurement. In: Practical management of hypertension. Ed. W. Birkenhager. Kluwer Academic Publishers. Dordrecht, Boston, London. 1996.p.13-22
O’Brien E. Chapter 1C. Automated blood pressure measurement. In: Practical management of hypertension. Ed. W. Birkenhager. Kluwer Academic Publishers. Dordrecht, Boston, London. 1996.p.23-34.
O’Brien E. The diplomatic implications of emerging diseases. In: “Preventive Diplomacy: Stopping Wars Before They Start. Ed: K.M. Cahill. BasicBooks. New York. 244-268.
O’Brien E. Ageing and blood pressure rhythm. In: “Time-Dependent Structure and Control of Arterial Blood Pressure. Eds. F. Portaluppi, M.H. Smolensky. Annals New York Academy of Sciences 1996;783:186-203
O’Brien E, Staessen J. Normotension and hypertension as defined by 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring. In: Monitorizacion ambulatorie de la presion arterial. Ed. J Ocon-Puyadas, J Mona Macia, JH Perez del Villar. Mosby. Madrid 1996. pp. 155-172.
Staessen JA, Bieniaszewski L, O’Brien ET, Fagard R. An epidemiological approach to ambulatory blood pressure monitoring: the Belgian Population study. J Hypertens 1996;14(suppl 1):S250.
N. Atkins, Thijis L, O’Brien E, Staessen J on behalf of the Syst-Eur Investigators. Normal Nocturnal Pressure Rather Than Magnitude of Dip May Be Predictive. J Hypertens 1996;14(suppl 1):S253
O’Brien E, Atkins N, Molloy E. Patterns of 24-Hour Blood Pressure in Normotensive and Hypertensive Subjects and Pregnant Women. J Hypertens 1996;14(suppl 1):S253
Staessen J, Thijs L, Beniaszewski L, O’Brien ET, Palatini P, Fagard R for the Syst-Eur Investigators. Ambulatory Monitoring Uncorrected for Placebo Overestimates Long-term Antihypertenisve Action. J Hypertens 1996;14(suppl 1):S251
General and Educational
O’Brien E. Diagnosing hypertension. Ir Doctor 1996;8:17-18
O’Brien E. The influence of advances in technology on the management of hypertension. Modern Medicine 1996;26:55-58
O’Brien E. How accurate are ambulatory blood pressure devices? The European Cardiologist: Journal by Fax. Jan 1996
O’Brien E. Will mercury manometers soon be obsolete? The European Cardiologist: Journal by Fax. Feb. 1996.
O’Brien E. What are the normal 24-hour blood pressures? The European Cardiologist: Journal by Fax. March 1996
O’Brien E. Ambulatory blood pressure as a guide for predicting the outcome of cardiovascular disease. The European Cardiologist: Journal by Fax. April 1996
O’Brien E. The clinical indications for 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure measurement. The European Cardiologist: Journal by Fax. June 1996
O’Brien E. Ambulatory blood pressure measurement is valuable in managing the elderly patient with hypertension.. The European Cardiologist: Journal by Fax. September 1996.
O’Brien E. Will the kilopascal soon replace the millimetre of mercury? The European Cardiologist: Journal by Fax. December 1996
O’Brien E. The patient with an exaggerated white coat effect. Clinican’s Corner. Blood Pressure Monitoring 1996;1:78
O’Brien E. Ambulante bloeddrukmeting: interpretatie van gegevens. Tijdschrigt voor Huisarts-Geneeskunde 1966;444-448
O’Brien E. The influence of nocturnal dipping status and cardiac damage in hypertension. Rev Lat Cardiol 1966;17:28-30
Higgins J, Walshe J, Halligan A, O’Brien E, Conroy R, Darling M. Can 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure measurement predict the development of hypertension in primagravidae? Br J Obstet & Gynae 1997;104:356-362
Owens P, O’Brien E. Hypotension: a forgotten illness. Blood Pressure Monitoring 1996;2:3-14
[O’Brien E] Non-invasive sphygmomanometers. Part 3. Supplementary requirements for electro-mechanical blood pressure measuring systems. British Standard BS EN 1060-3: 1997. European Standard EN 1060-3 1997. European Committee for Standardization. Central Secretariat: rue de Stassart 36, B-1050, Brussels.
Antikainen R, Tuomilehto J, Thijs L, Vanhanen H, Sarti C, Birkenhager W, Arabidze G, Fagard R, Grigorow M, et al on behalf of the Syst-Eur Investigators. Therapy in old patients with isolated systolic hypertension – fourth progress report on the Syst-Eur trial. J Human Hypertens 1997;11:263-269
O’Brien E. Blood pressure measurement at the turn of the century. Current Medical Literature; Nephrology and Hypertension 1997;3:3-6
O’Brien E. Blood pressure measurement at the turn of the century. Current Medical Literature; Cardiology 1997;16:35-38
O’Brien E. Towards improving procedures for validating blood pressure measuring devices. Blood Pressure Monitoring 1997;2:247-249
O’Brien E. Accuracy of the Dinamap 8100. Am J Hypertens 1997;10:143-14428/6/96)
Halligan WF, O’Brien E. Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring During Pregnancy – Establishment of Standards of Normalcy. Am J Hypertens 1996;9:1240-1241
O’Brien E. Literature and history in medicine. Lancet 1997;349:1393
O’Brien E. Inaccuracy of the Dinamap Portable Monitor Model 8100. Lancet 1997;349:1026
Staessen JA, Thijs L, Fagard R, Bieniaszwski L, O’Brien E, Gosse P, Hayashi H, Imai Y, Kawasaki K, Otsuka K, Palatini P. Nocturnal Blood Pressure Fall. Hypertension. 1997;30:1295-1296.
Staessen J, Birkenhager WH, Dollery C, Fagard R. Treatment of hypertension in elderly patients. Lancet 1997;350:1632-1634.
Book chapters
O’Brien E. Ambulatory blood pressure measurements as a guide for predicting the occurrence of hypertensive organ involvement. Handbook of Hypertension. Ed: L. Hansson. Series eds: J. Reid & W. Birkenhager. ‘Assessment of Hypertensive Organ Damage. Elsevier. Amsterdam. 1997.Pp. 28-42
Duggan J, O’Brien E. Ambulatory blood pressure in the older adult and blood pressure measurement. Hypertension in the Older Adult. Ed. A.K.Scott. Arnold. London. 1997. Pp. 103-128
Books and booklets
O’Brien E, Petrie J, Littler WA, de Swiet M, Padfield PD, Dillon MJ, Coats A, Mee F. Blood Pressure Measurement: Recommendations of the British Hypertension Society. BMJ Publishing Group. Third Edition. 1997
O’Brien E, Beevers G, Marshall D. ABC de la Hipertensión. Ancora SA. Spain. 1997.
O’Brien E, Beevers G, Marshall HJ. Manual de Hipertensao. Santos Livaria Editora. Brazil. 1997
O’Brien E, Beevers G, Marshall D. ABC KÖNYVEK HYPERTONIA. Literatura Medica Kiadó. Hungary. 1997
O’Sullivan C, Duggan J, Atkins N, Sexton A, Mee F, O’Brien E. Ambulatory blood pressure levels in the elderly. J Hypertens 1997;15 (Suppl 4):S15
Staessen J, Thijs L, Byttebier G, Clement D, O’Brien ET, Palatini P, Rodicio JL, Rosenfeld J, Fagard R on behalf of the Systolic Hypertension In Europe (SYST-EUR) Trial Investigators. Determining the Trough-to-Peak ration in parallel-group trials. J Hypertens 1997;15 (Suppl 4):S14
Chalmers JP for PROGRESS Management Committee. PROGRESS – patient characteristics at baseline and status in June 1996. J Hypertens 1997;15 (Suppl 4):S35
Bulpitt CJ, Connor M, Fletcher AE, on behalf of the HYVET investigators. Orthostatic fall in blood pressure in the very elderly hypertensive (pilot trial results from the Hypertension in the Very Elderly Trial, HYVET). J Hypertens 1997;15 (Suppl 4):S50
Seux MI, Thijs L, Forette on behalf of the Syst-Eur Investigators. Isolated systolic hypertension in elderly and cognitive functions: Experience of SYST-EUR. J Hypertens 1997;15 (Suppl 4):S51
Coyle DP, Atkins N, Syed S, Dowdall C, Mee F, O’Brien ET. A comparison of oral celiprolol 200 mg and captopril 50 mg daily in mild to moderate hypertension. J Hypertens 1997;15 (Suppl 4):S135
Owens P, Rodriquez S, Lyons S, de Leeuw PW, O’Brien E. White coat hypertension – LV mass and the relation to blood pressure load. J Hypertens 1997;15 (Suppl 4):S176
Rodriquez S, Atkins N, Kroon AA, Houben AJHM, de Leeuw PW, O’Brien ET. Value of ambulatory blood pressure monitoring to ascertain treatment-resistant hypertension. J Hypertens 1997;15 (Suppl 4):S188
Staessen JA, Byttebier G, Buntinx F, Celis H, O’Brien ET, Fagard R. for the APTH Investigators. Double-blind comparison of antihypertensive treatment guided by conventional or ambulatory blood pressure measurement. J Hypertens 1997;15 (Suppl 4):S7
Clement D, De Buyzere M, Missault L on behalf of the OvA investigators. Value of 1, 2, 3 hour segments of ambulatory blood pressure patterns in essential hypertension. Am J Hypertens 1997;10:61A.
Clement DL on behalf of the OvA investigators. Ambulatory blood pressure profile in hypertenssives under stable antihypertensive therapy. ESH Milan.
Mee F, Walshe J, O’Callaghan J, O’Brien E. Day case programme for exclusion of secondary hypertension. J Human Hypertens 1997;11:67-68
Owens P, Lyons S, Rodriguez S, O’Brien ET. White coat hypertension and end-organ damage: does isolated elevation of clinic blood pressure predict hypertension related end-organ damage? J Hypertens 1997;15:1539-1540
General and Educational
O’Brien E. Nocturnal blood pressure may be more important than blood pressure during the day. Journal by Fax 1997: 17.3.97.
O’Brien E, Owens P. Verdient Diese Altbenkannle Krankeit Ernentbeaichtung? Tecl I & II. Herz: Kardiovasulaire Erkrankungen 1997;22:27-28.
O’Brien E. Management of hypertension: What does the future hold?. Forum. 1997;14:43-45
O’Brien E. Treatment of isolated hypertension in the elderly reduces stroke. Ir Med Times 1997; Nov 15th p.38.
O’Brien E. from The Cantos of Maldoror. The Recorder 1997;10:57-65
O’Brien E. Samuel Beckett and the Weight of Compassion. The Recorder 1997;10:154-165
O’Brien E. Walk in peace: banish landmines from our globe. BMJ 1997;315:1456-1458
O’Brien E, Owens P, Staessen J, Imai Y, Kawasaki T, Kuwajima I. What are the normal levels for ambulatory blood pressure measurement? Blood Pressure Monitoring 1998;3:131-132
Owens PE, Lyons S, O’Brien E. Can heart rate predict blood pressure response to antihypertensive drug therapy. J Human Hypertens 1998;12:229-233
Owens P, Lyons S, O’Brien ET. Body Beautiful? J Human Hypertens 1998;12:485-487
Nicholson G, Bouchier-Hayes D, O’Brien E, Cunningham A. Analysis of the perioperative myocardial ischaemia pattern in patients undergoing peripheral vascular surgery and trnasuretheral prostatectomy. J Irish Coll Phys & Surgeons 1998;27:154-159
Grodzicki T, Rajzer M, Fagard R, O’Brien ET, Thijs L, Clement D, Davidsonf C, Palatini P, Parati G, Kocemba J, Staessen JA on behalf of the Systolic Hypertension In Europe (SYST-EUR) Trial Investigators. Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring and post-prandial hypotension in elderly patients with isolated systolic hypertension. J Human Hypertens 1998;12:161-165
Fletcher AE, Bulpitt CJ, Tuomilehto J, Brown J, Bossini A, Kawenck-Jascz K, Kwinen P, O’Brien E, Staessen J, Thijs L, Vanska D, Vanhannen H on behalf of Syst-Eur Trial Investigators. Quality of life in elderly patients with isolated systolic hypertension: baseline data from the Syst-Eur Trial. J Hypertens 1998;16:1117-1124
Parati G, Omboni S, Staessen J, Thijs L, Fagard R, Ulian L, Mancia G on behalf of the Syst-Eur Investigators. Limitations of the difference between clinic and daytime blood pressure as a surrogate measure of the ’white-coat’ effect. J Hypertens 1998;16:23-29.
Emelianov D, Thijs L, Staessen J, Celis H, Clement D, Davidson C, Gasowoki J, Extremera BG, Fogari R, Jaaskivi M, Lehtonen A, Nedogarda S, O’Brien E, Palatini P, Parati G, Salvetti A, Vanhanen H, Webster J, Fagard R on behalf of the Syst-Eur Investigators. Conventional and ambulatory measurements of blood pressure in old patients with isolated systolic hypertension: baseline observations in the Syst-Eur trial. Blood Pressure Monit 1998;3:173-180
Seux ML, Thijs L, Forette F, Staessen JA, Birkenhaeger, WH, Bulpitt CJ, Girerd X, Jaaskivi M, Vanhanen H, Kivinen P, Yodfat Y, Vanska O, Antikainen R, Laks T, Webster JR, Hakamaki T, Lehtomaki E, Lilov E, Grigorov M, Janulova K, Halonen K, Kohonen-Jalonen P, Kermowa R, Nachev C, Tuomilehto J. Correlates of cognitive status in older patients with isolated systolic hypertension: the Syst-Eur Vascular Dementia Project . J Hypertens 1998;963-969
Staessen JA, Thijs L, Fagard RH, Birkenhaeger, WH, Arabidze G, Barbeanu S, Gil-Extremera B, Bulpitt CJ, Davidson C, de Leeuw PW, Efstratopoulos AD, Fletcher A, Fogari R, Jaaskivi M, Kawecka-Jaszez K, Nachev C, Petrie JC, Seux M, Tuomilehto J, Webster JR, Yodfat Y for the Systolic Hypertension in Europe (Syst-Eur) Trial Investigators. Calcium Channel Blockade and Cardiovascular Prognosis in the European Trial on Isolated Systolic Hypertension. Hypertension 1998;32:410-416
Forette F, Seux M-L, Staessen J, Thijs L, Birkenhaeger, Babarskiene M-R, Babaneau S, Bossini A, Gil-Extremera B, Girerd X, Laks T, Lilov E, Moisseyev V, Tuomilehto J, Vanhanan H, Webster J, Yodfat Y, Fagard R, on behalf of the Syst-Eur Investigators. Prevention of dementia in randomised double-blind placebo-controlled Systolic Hypertension in Europe (Syst-Eur) trial. Lancet 1998;352:1347-1351
PROGRESS Management Committee. PROGRESS: Perindopril Protection Against Recurrent Stroke Study: Status in March 1997. J Human Hypertens 1998;12:627-629
Clement DL, De Buyzere M on behalf of the OvA investigators. Office versus Ambulatory (OvA) recording of blood pressure, a European multicenter study: inclusion and early follow-up characteristics. Blood Pressure Monit 1998;3:167-172
Celis H, Staessen JA, Buntinx F, Fagard R, Leeman M, Thijs L, Van Hedent T, on behalf of the THOP investigators. Blood Press Monit 1998;3(suppl 1):S29-S35
O’Brien E. Will the millimetre of mercury be replaced by the kilopascal. J Hypertens 1998;16:259-261
Owens P, O’Brien E. The Calcium Channel Blocker Debate. Ir Med J 1998;91:158-161
O’Brien E. Blood pressure measurement at the turn of the century. Hypertension & Heart Failure. Peer Selected Citations 1998. Current Medical literature. p. 1-3.
O’Brien E. The banning of mercury. J Hypertension 1998;16:139912/5/98)
O’Brien E, Staessen J. What is hypertension? Lancet 1999;354:593-594
O’Brien E. The banning of mercury. ISH Hypertension News. December 1999
Staessen J, O’Brien E. Reliability of Self-Measured Blood Pressure for Research Purposes. Arch Intern Med 1999;159:2365-2366
Rodriguez , S, Kroon AA, Atkins N, Owens P, de Leeuw PW, O’Brien ET. Family history of hypertension is not associated with increased blood pressure variability. J Hypertens 1998;16(Suppl 2):S264
Rodriguez , S, Kroon AA, Lyons S, Owens P, de Leeuw PW, O’Brien ET. Value of ambulatory blood pressure monitoring to ascertain treatment-resistant hypertension. J Hypertens 1998;16(Suppl 2):S261
Atkins N, O’Brien E. DABL97 – A computer program for the assessment of blood pressure, risk factors and cardiovascular target organ involvement in hypertension. J Hypertens 1998;16(Suppl 2):S198
Owens P, Lyons S, O’Brien E. Ambulatory blood pressure in the hypertensive population: patterns and prevalence of hypertensive sub-forms. J Hypertens 1998;16(Suppl 2):S206
Atkins N, O’Malley, S, Duggan J, O’Brien E. Comparison of the diagnosis and management of hypertension when blood pressure is measured in the clinic, home or by ambulatory blood pressure. J Hypertens 1998;16(Suppl 2):S273
Forette F, Seux ML, Thijs L, Staessen J on behalf of the Syst-Eur Investigators. Antihypertensive treatment and prevention of dementia in older patients with isolated systolic hypertension: The Syst-Eur results. J Hypertens 1998;16(Suppl 2):S22
Staessen J, Fagard R, Thijs L, Celis H for the Syst-Eur Trial Investigators. Subgroup and per-protocol analysis of the European trial on isolated systolic hypertension in the elderly. J Hypertens 1998;16(Suppl 2):S215
Dahlof B, Sever PS, Poulter N, Wedel H on behalf of the ASCOT Steering Committee. The Anglo-Scandinavian Cardiac Outcomes Trial (ASCOT).. Am J Hypertens 1998;11:9A
Rodriguez , Owens P, Lyons S, Kroon AA, de Leeuw PW, O’Brien ET. Nocturnal blood pressure decline as a predictor for cardiac and renal damage in hypertension. Am J Hypertens 1998;11:64A
Keary L, Atkins N, O’Brien E. Terminal digit preference and heaping in blood pressure measurement. J Human Hypertens 1998:12:787-788
Owens P, Lyons S, O’Brien E. Ambulatory blood pressure hypertensive sub-forms predict differential outcomes for left ventricular mass. J Human Hypertens 1998:12:784-785
Wingfield D, Bulpitt C, Fletcher A, Thijs L, Staessen J. The reduction of terminal digit preference with quality control visits in the SYST-EUR trial. . J Human Hypertens 1998:12:793
General and Educational
O’Brien E. An accurate automated device for blood pressure measurement at last – the Omron HEM-705CP. The European Cardiologist: Journal by Fax 1998;3.
O’Brien E. How accurate is the Dinamap 8100 for measuring blood pressures?. The European Cardiologist: Journal by Fax. 1998.3
O’Brien E. How can we solve the problem of “cuff hypertension”? The European Cardiologist: Journal by Fax. 1998.3
O’Brien E. Naming hospitals. Ir Med Times 1998;Vol 32. p. 21
O’Brien E. Doctor Chekov: The little-known compassion of Dr Chekov. Lancet 1998;352:331-332
O’Brien E. A vindication of Petr Skrabanek. Ir Med Times 1998. July 31st. 25
O’Brien E. The relationship between nondipping and LV mass. International Trends in Hypertension. 1998. No. 5.
O’Brien E. Will mercury manometers shortly be obsolete? . Ir Med Times May 1998. P. 42
O’Brien E. Is white coat hypertension an innocent condition? . Ir Med Times June 1998. P. 35
O’Brien E. Importance of ambulatory blood pressure measurement. . Ir Med Times July 1998. P. 33
Scientific papers
Owens P, Atkins N, O’Brien E. Diagnosis of White Coat Hypertension by Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring. Hypertension 1999;34:267-272
O’Brien E. Methods of analysis. Task Force I: Methodological aspects. Blood Pressure Monit 1999;4:286-287
O’Brien E, Staessen J. What is hypertension? Lancet 1999;353:1541-1543
O’Brien E. White coat hypertension: how should it be diagnosed? J Human Hyperten 1999;13:801-802
Book chapters
Kostis JB, Omalley K, O’Brien E. The Elderly. In: The ABCs of Antihypertensive Therapy. Ed. Franz H. Messerli. Second Edition. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. New York.1999. Pp. 246-254
Staessen JA, Emelianov D, Thijs L, Celis H, Clement D, Davidson C, Gasowski J, Lehtonen P, Nedogada S, O’Brien E, Palatini P, Parati G, Salvetti A, Vanhanen H, Webster J, Fagard R. Mapa nos idosos. Monitorizaçáo ambulatorial de pressáo arterial. 1999. Pp. 97-110
Owens P, O’Brien E. Hypotension In Patients With Coronary Disease – Can Profound Hypotensive Events Cause Myocardial Ischaemic Events? J Hypertens 1999;17 (suppl 3): S80-S81
Owens P, Lyons SP, O’Brien E. Prevalence of Low Blood Pressure in a Normal Population sample using Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring. J Hypertens 1999;17 (suppl 3): S89-S90
G. Mansfield, P. Owens, N. Atkins, E. O’Brien. What is the importance of Inter-arm differences in blood pressure? J Hypertens 1999;17 (suppl 3): S22
Staessen JA, Thijs L, Fagard R. For the Systolic Hypertension in Europe (Syst-Eur) Trial Investigators. Conventional and ambulatory blood pressure as predictors of cardiovascular risk in older patients with systolic hypertension. J Hypertens 1999;17 (suppl 3): S16
Rodriguez Hernandez SA, Kroon AA, Owens P, Lyons S, de Leeuw PW, O’Brien ET. Renal damage and left ventricular hypertrophy are associated with nocturnal blood pressure decline even in adequately treated hypertensives. J Hypertens 1999;17 (suppl 3): S30
Gasowski J, Staessen JA, Celis H, Fagard RH, Thijs L, Birkenhaeger WH, Bulpitt CJ, Fletcher AE, Arabidze G, de Leeuw PW, Dollery CT, Duggan J, Kawecka-Jaszez K, Leonetti G, Nachev C, Safar M, Rodico JC, Rosenfeld J, Seux M, Tuomilehto J, Webster J, Yodfat Y. On behalf of the Systolic Hypertension in Europe Investigators. Systolic Hypertension in Europe (Syst-Eur) Trial Phase 2: objectives, protocol, and initial progress. Am J Hypertens 1999;12:145A
Atkins N, O’Brien ET. Towards a simpler and common protocol for the validation of blood pressure measuring devices. AJH 1999;12:147A
Forette F, Staessen J, Seux ML, Thijs L. Prevention of dementia in the Systolic Hypertension in Europe (Syst-Eur). Am J Hypertens 1999;12:26A
Staessen JA, Thijs L, Fagard R. For the Systolic Hypertension in Europe (Syst-Eur) Trial Investigators. Conventional and ambulatory blood pressure as predictors of cardiovascular risk in older patients with systolic hypertension. Am J Hypertens 1999;12:31A
Gasowski J, Staessen JA, Celis H, Fagard RH, Thijs L, Birkenhaeger WH, Bulpitt CJ, Fletcher AE, Arabidze G, de Leeuw PW, Dollery CT, Duggan J, Kawecka-Jaszez K, Leonetti G, Nachev C, Safar M, Rodico JC, Rosenfeld J, Seux M, Tuomilehto J, Webster J, Yodfat Y. On behalf of the Systolic Hypertension in Europe Investigators. Systolic Hypertension in Europe (Syst-Eur) Trial Phase 2: objectives, protocol, and initial progress. J Hypertens 1999;17 (suppl 3): S201
Seux ML, Staessen JA, Forette F. Treatment of isolated systolic hypertension in the elderly and prevention of dementia. J Hypertens 1999;17:861-862
Atkins N, O’Brien E. Towards a simpler and common protocol for the validation of blood pressure measuring devices. J Human Hypertens 1999;13:889
General and Educational
O’Brien E. Current and future developments in the management of hypertension. Irish Medical News. 19.4.1999.
O’Brien E. From Nowhere? Beckett’s Ireland. Introduction to The Beckett Festival Programme. Barbican Centre. London. September 1999.
O’Brien E. Victorian Society in Merrion Square. HeartWise 1999;2:21-22.
O’Brien E. “Blood pressure monitoring becomes automated.” American College of Cardiology ACCEL Interview. December 1999.
O’Brien E, Owens P. Identifizierung von unterformen der hypertonie durch ambulante blutdruckmessung. Hertz 1999. 19-20
O’Brien E. White coat hypertension. Modern Medicine of Ireland. June 1999.23-28