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O’Brien E. A Review of Standards for Non-invasive Blood Pressure Measurement. In: Ambulatory Blood Pressure Ed: T. Pickering. Biophysical Measurement Series.. SpaceLabs Medical. Inc.Washington. 1994. Pp. 96-102.
Staessen J, Fagard R, Thijs L, Amery A and the Participants in The Fourth International Consensus Conference on 24-Hour Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring. Hypertension 1995;26[part 1]:912-918.
O’Brien E. Expert comments on the JNV V Consensus Guidelines. Am J Hypertens 1995:8:330-331
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Petrie J C, O’Brien E T, Littler W A, De Swiet M, Dillon M. Recommendations on Blood Pressure Measurement British Medical Journal Publications, London.1990.
O’Brien E. Editor. Second International Consensus Meeting on Twenty-four-hour Blood Pressure Monitoring. J Hypertens 1991;9(suppl 8).
O’Brien E. Will mercury manometers soon be obsolete? J Human Hypertens 1995;9:933-934.
Book chapters
O’Brien E. Contribution to Manual of Hypertension. Ed. J.D. Swales. Blackwell Science. London. 1995.
O’Brien E, Beevers G, Marshall D. ABC of Hypertension. Third Edition. BMJ Publications. London. 1995.
O’Brien E. Chapter 1A. General principles of blood pressure measurement. In: Practical management of hypertension. Ed. W. Birkenhager. Kluwer Academic Publishers. Dordrecht, Boston, London. 1996.p.1-11
O’Brien E. Chapter 1B. Conventional blood pressure measurement. In: Practical management of hypertension. Ed. W. Birkenhager. Kluwer Academic Publishers. Dordrecht, Boston, London. 1996.p.13-22
O’Brien E, Petrie J, Littler WA, de Swiet M, Padfield PD, Dillon MJ, Coats A, Mee F. Blood Pressure Measurement: Recommendations of the British Hypertension Society. BMJ Publishing Group. Third Edition. 1997
O’Brien E, Beevers G, Marshall D. ABC de la Hipertensión. Ancora SA. Spain. 1997.
O’Brien E, Beevers G, Marshall D. ABC of Hypertension. Hungarian translation. 1998
O’Brien E, Beevers G, Marshall HJ. Manual de Hipertensao. Santos Livaria Editora. Brazil. 1997
O’Brien E. Formation of the Working Group on Blood Pressure Monitoring of the European Society of Hypertension. J Hypertens 1998;16:893. Blood Pressure Monitoring 1998;3:133-134
Little MA, O’Brien E, Owens P, Holian J, Kenny S, Mee F, Walshe JJ. A Longitudinal Study of the Yield and Clinical Utility of a Specifically Designed Secondary Hypertension Investigation Protocol. Renal Failure 2003;25:709-717