Sir Dominic Corrigan. (1802-1880)’. Miscellany Programme. Radio Telefis Eireann. January 1980
‘The Charitable Infirmary’. Television documentary for Radio Telefis E’ireann:
Script written and narrated by E. O’Brien.October 1980
‘Sir Dominic Corrigan: A Physician in His Time’. Television drama-documentary. Prepared by E. O’Brien. 1980
‘A Portrait of Irish Medicine: The Royal College of Surgeons 1784-1984’.
A documentary film produced by BAC Films in asociation with RTE and UTV. Script and research by E. O’Brien and K. Hickey. August 1984
O’Brien E. History of Hypertension. Video for ICI made by TVF, London. 14/8/89.